北京版一年级起点小学教育四年级英语上册Lesson 7.ppt

北京版一年级起点小学教育四年级英语上册Lesson 7.ppt

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Lesson 17 PPT课件 1 What colour is it? It is . yellow shirt What colour is it? It is . black T-shirt What colour is it? It is . blue trousers What colour is it? It is . white dress What colour is it? It is . green shorts What colour is it? It is . red coat trousers 衬衫 shirt T恤 T-shirt 长裤 shorts 连衣裙 coat 短裤 dress 外套 The yellow shirt looks nice on you. I will go with my shirt. The black T-shirt looks nice on you. I will go with my T-shirt. May I try it on? Sure, you can. 翻译: 我能试穿一下吗? 当然可以。 The blue trousers look nice on you. I will go with my trousers. May I try it on? Sure, you can. 请大家思考! 1.look nice的含义是: 2.文中的 “one”是 “一”的意思吗? 3.nice 的近义词是 。 看起来好 不是 beautiful 练一练! 1.Look on you. 2.I’ll with my coat.(is/are) 3.Is this your coat?( ) A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, they are. 4.Your dress is beautiful.( ) A. Here you are. B. Thank you. nice go A B 赵氏慌忙揩眼泪,走近上前道:“爷,别人都说的不相干,只有我晓得你的意思……你是为那灯盏里点的是两茎灯草,不放心,恐费了油。我如今挑掉一茎就是了。” 说罢,忙走去挑掉一茎。众人看严监生时,点一点头,把手垂下,登时就没了气。 (1)文中的严监生是我国古典讽刺小说《______》中的一个人物。 (2)把文中带点的词换成另一个词,意思保持不变。 登时:___________



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