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第八讲 动词的分类 1. 动词,就是用来表示各类动作的词汇。基本上每 个完整的子句都有一个动词。 2. 动词可以按照含义及它们在句中的作用分成四类 , 即 行为动词 ( 也称实义动词 ) 、 连系动词 、 助动词 和 情态动词 。 3 . 放在名词、代词后面 It was sunny last Saturday. In the morning, Mary went to the peoples park with her younger brother. They went there on foot. When they got to the gate of the park, they saw some kids selling beautiful flowers there. Mary was surprised because nobody was allowed to do this. Then she asked one of the kids. The kid told her they were selling flowers to raise money for the people in Lushan, Sichuan. And they were holding a picture show inside the park to raise more money, too. Mary was moved, and she bought some flowers from the kids. In the afternoon, she asked many friends to go to the park with her. They bought a lot of flowers from the kids and saw the picture show together. Mary felt happy on her way home because she also did something to help the people in need. ( )16.This story happened ________. A. last Friday B. last Saturday C. last Sunday D. last Monday ( )17.Mary went to the Peoples Park ________ in the morning. A . by bus B . by bike C . by car D. on foot ( )18.At the gate of the park Mary saw some kids _____. A . selling flowers B . asking for money C . holding a picture show D. playing football ( )19.Mary felt ________ on her way home. A . surprised B . happy C . proud D. sad ( )20.The kids did _______ activities to raise money. A . two B . three C . four D. five B D A B A 找出文段中的动词 It was sunny last Saturday. In the morning, Mary went to the peoples park with her younger brother. They went there on foot. When they got to the gate of the park, they saw some kids selling beautiful flowers there. Mary was surprised because nobody was


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