英语六年级下外研版(一起)Module7 Unit1 He spent about 21 hours in space课件2.ppt

英语六年级下外研版(一起)Module7 Unit1 He spent about 21 hours in space课件2.ppt

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He spent about 21 hours in space word spend—special—spec—speak—spell—?—? excited—excise—?—?—? —?—?—? video—?—?—? —?—?—? —?—?—? 杨利伟1983年6月入伍,1987年毕业于中国人民解放军空军第八飞行学院,历任空军某师飞行员、中队长,曾飞过强击机、歼击机等机型,安全飞行1350小时,被评为一级飞行员,现为中国人民解放军航天员大队三级航天员;1996年,参加航天员初选,入围;1998年1月,从800多名入围者中脱颖而出,成为中国首批航天员之一;在“神舟”五号载人飞船发射准备阶段,经专家组无记名投票,入选“3人首飞梯队”,并被确定为首席人选。 YangLiwei, man, 1965 June. “October 15, 2003, China‘s first manned space spacecraft vessel(飞船) 'Land 5th' board space. Chinese Millennium dream finally came true. This important event not only inspires every Chinese person. And the whole world was shocked. Yang Li-wei became the first Chinese boarded space. He stayed in space for 20 hours, the next morning land safely. He filmed a lot of space in the picture. For subsequent research provided important information. He not only to China but also to the world an enormous contribution. The next step in our national plan in a few years on the Moon. We all take pride in and look forward to travel day. translation 请同学们用5分钟的时间来翻译 翻译完以后先把文章读了,再从A1 A2 B C组来进行翻译 In October 2003 shengzhou V flew into space. 在2003年10月神舟5号飞进了太空 When he was a little boy, he wanted to go into space. He worked very hard at school. And then his dream came true. 在他还是小孩子的时候,他就想去太空.他在学校里学习很辛苦。他实现了梦想。 Yang Liwei made a video. Evreyone could see him in space on TV. 每个人都能在电视上看见他在太空里。 His first words in space were.I feel good. 他在太空说的第一句话是“我感觉很好 Yang Liwei’s son was eight years old. He was his father in space and he was very proud of him. 杨利伟的儿子有八岁了,他为他父亲在太空而自豪。 Thanks for you time!!


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