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汽车销售专业的英文自我介绍 我叫, *岁,来自,我性格直爽,但又不失稳重,后来不远千里来到这个城市 求学。 来到中专学习的事实和我的理想有很大的出入,难免有些郁闷,但在一段时间 后,我认真了事实,很看好汽车业。 21 世纪是内燃机的世纪,这句话一点都不假, 随着汽车的展,它为 21 世纪插上了腾飞的翅膀,后来,我开始对汽车产生兴趣, 用心钻研,三年的中专就是在不断的培养兴趣,不断的学习进步中度过的。 三年的中专生活有如过眼云烟,一去不返,唯一留下的就是我的知识和技能, 现在的我将要走向我所热衷的岗位,面对当今激烈的人才竞争,我很清楚自己知识 有限,但我更清楚我有着不甘落后的精神和不断学习、不断提高的愿望。我拥有自 己年轻和执着的事业热情,我相信我会做的更好 ! 以上为我的个我鉴定。我需要一个机会,一个展示自己、锻炼自己的机会。再 苦再累,我都愿意一试,“吃得苦中苦,方为人上人”,在工作中,我一定会是一 位尽责尽责、优秀的员工。相信今后我们一定能融洽相处成为好朋友的。 第二篇:销售英文自我介绍 hi, everybody, my name is xxx. i am a girl who likes singing, and also, i like play table tenis. my favorite color is green, i think green is quite clear for us. i like eating icecream. during weekend, i often go out for riding, i like the nature, becaue it gives me calm. when i talking with my friends, i feel happy. i am a girl who likes smile. if you love your life, you can smile from your heart. so, why not, let's smile to each other, smile to everyone. let's make a brighter world. thank you all. 第三篇:汽车销售员英文自我介绍 汽车销售员英文自我介绍 i am a recent college graduate with a b.a. degree in automotive marketing &management. i have also been part of a family-owned automobile distributorship for nearly all my life, so cars are my life! i noticed your advertisement for automotive sales and marketing assistant in the june 14th edition of the dover star,and have submitted my resume for your consideration you mentioned in the advertisement that the successful candidate must have: a bachelor of arts degree i do excellent munications skills i do ability to work well with people at all levels i do eagerness to learn and "pay my dues" i am and i will this is a job that i believe was made for me. i am familiar with your operation, as i am originally from this area. i an available immediately, and offer you petence, dedication, and a good work ethic if you don't mind, i will call you next week to see if a personal interview can be scheduled. thank you for your consideration and i look forward to speaking with you next week 第四篇:汽车销售员的英文自我介绍 给


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