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牛津译林版九年级英语上册 Unit7 复习专项练习 一.选择题 1.Our English teacher often tells us that success needs a lot of ________ .(  ) A .charm B .career C .effects D .efforts 2 .The girls sweet voice_______ the well﹣known musicians attention .(  ) A .lost B .paid C .attracted D .gave 3 .﹣How soon will Sam get his money back?﹣__________.Better late than never! (  ) A .Till next week B .Until the next week C .Not until next week D .Not till the next week 4 .________ our teacher is ill ,________ he still comes to our class to teach us .(  ) A .Though ; but B .Though ;/ C .Although ; but D .But ; though 5 .______ the Forbidden City is almost 600years old ,_______ it is still very beautiful .(  ) A .Aithough ; but B ./ ; although C .Although ;/ D .Because ; so 6 .﹣After the 2008Olympic Games ,more and more people in western countries begin to learn Chinese they can better understand the culture of China . ﹣Im sure they will .(  ) A .because of B .even though C .so that D .as if 7 .﹣﹣﹣Dont you think this film is too boring?﹣﹣﹣_________.(  ) A .Yes ,I agree . B .Yes ,of course not . C .Yes ,I dont think so . D .Whats wrong? 8 .______ of them has a watch and _______ one of them keeps good time .(  ) A .Each ,every B .Every ,each C .Each ,each D .Every ,every 9 ._________ do you _________ this American film on TV ?(  ) A .How ; think of B .What ; think of C .How ; like D .B or C 10.Can you tell me _________ two years ago?(  ) A .what is Beijing like B .what Beijing i


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