冀教版七年级英语上册 Unit 7 Lesson 41 Holidays共44张.ppt

冀教版七年级英语上册 Unit 7 Lesson 41 Holidays共44张.ppt

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My mum and I like to go shopping during the Spring Festival. My little brother and sister like to go to the zoo on Children's Day. I like to go mountain climbing on National Day with my cousin. 冀教版英语七年级上册 Lesson 41 Holidays 作者:程莎 单位:邯郸市广泰中学 电话:? 使用目的: 制作使用本课件的目的是优化课堂教学结构, 提高课堂教学效率,有利于教师的教,更要利于学生的学。在教 学中激发学生的兴趣,变抽象为形象,化繁为简,发挥学生的学 习主动性、积极性和创造性。 ? 设计思路: 用一首 Happy New Year 的歌曲来导入本课的学 习。然后播放几个节日的图片,使学生掌握中国传统节日的读法。 接下来学生要掌握如何描述各个节日的日期并且学会如何表达在 各个节日中喜欢做什么事情。随后回归课文,处理课文内容,进 行听说读写练习。最后再穿插一些西方国家的节日,并对学生进 行中国传统文化传承的教育,升华本课。 ? 用后反思: 制作本多媒体课件辅助教学是为课上教学的主 题服务的,因此制作时从学生的视觉冲击上出发,使学生能从多 角度快速掌握短语和句型。使用时,由于注意音乐、图片和文字 的有机配合,营造了良好的课堂教学和学习气氛,学生学习兴趣 极高,教学效果良好。 New Year's Day the Spring Festival International Workers' Day Children's Day Teachers' Day National Day Let's play a guessing game! money dumplings spring the Spring Festival flag Tian'anmen Square October National Day candle school teacher Teachers' Day first new January New Year's Day working people May Day farmer International Workers' Day park happy June Children's Day When is New Year's Day ? New Year's Day is on January 1. It is usually in January or February. When is the Spring Festival? International Workers' Day is on May 1. When is International Workers' Day? Children's Day is on June 1. When is Children's Day? Teachers' Day is on September 10. When is Teachers' Day? When is National Day? National Day is on October 1. Match the Chinese holidays with the dates or months. Children's Day International Workers' Day Teachers' Day National Day The Spring Festival June 1 January or February October 1 September 10 May 1 Read Li Ming's report and answer the questions. 1. What's the weather like on December 20? The weather is cold and cloudy. 2. What would Li Ming like to talk about? He likes to talk about holidays in China. 3. What can we do during holidays? We can play with our friends and get together with our families during holidays. watch a movie go shopping go to the zoo go mountain climbing


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