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Charles Dickens is a great writer in the A . A. Victorian Age B. Renaissance C. Romantic period D. 20th century The early inhabitants in the island we now call England were _B . A. Celts B. Britons C. Britain D. English In 55 B. C., Roman troops led by _A invaded Britain. A. Julius Caesar B. Claudius C. King Alfred the Great D. William The Roman occupation in Britain lasted for about C years. A. 200 B. 300 C. 400 D. 500 Old English came into being by the _D century. A. 4th B. 5th C. 6th D. 7th In B Britain became a Roman province. A. 55 B. C. B. 43 A. D. C. 410 A. D. D. 787 A. D. The Anglo-Saxon period ended in _D . A. 1017 B. 1042 C. 1016 D. 1066 _A is an early English poem about the life of the gleeman. “ Deor ’ s Lament ”B . “ The Wife ’ s Complaint ” C. “ The Husband ’ s Message ”D. “ The Seafarer ” C is an early English poem about love. “Deor ’ s Lament ” B. “Widsith ” C. “The Husband ’ s Message” D. “ The Seafarer ” B is an early English poem about the adventures of the sea. “ Deor ’ s Lament ” B. “ The Wanderer ” C. “ The Husband ’ s Message ”D. “ Beowulf ” D is the representative work of the early English literature. “Deor ’ s Lament ” B. “The Wanderer ” C. “The Husband ’ s Message” D. “Beowulf ” Grendel is a monster described in C . “Deor ’ s Lament ” B. “Widsith ” C. Beowulf D. “The Seafarer ” The Roman occupation lasted for about 400 years in Britain, and in D , all the Roman troops went back to their continent and never returned. A. 55 B. C. B. 78 A. D. C. 400 A. D. D. 410 A. D. C is the first important religious poet in English literature. A. John Donne B. George Herbert C. CaedmonD. Milton When we speak of the old English prose, the first name that comes into our minds is _D_, who is the first scholar in English literature and has been regarded as father of English learning. A. Shakespeare B. Beowulf C. Julius Caesar D. Venerable Bebe The great majority of the romances fall into groups as matters of D . A. Br


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