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.. .. .. Test Three (Chapter5-6 with answers) I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the brackets. 1. What President reportedly claimed that Uncle Tom ’ s Cabin started the Civil War? A. Grant B. McKinley C. Lincoln D. Buchanan 2. Emily Dickinson was sometimes curious about the feeling of speech of death and in one of her poems she wrote about the______ of death , the title of the poem is I heard a Fly buzz when I died. A. moment B. suffering C. happiness D. meaning 3. The poetic style Whitman devised is now called ________, that is poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme. A. sonnet B. Ballard C. epic D. free verse 4. By using the technique of contrast in Uncle Tom ’ Cabins , Stowe describes two opposite fates of the slave: one gained freedom by rebellious struggle; the other died due to his submission. Who they are? A. Tom and Cassy B. Eliza and Tom C. John and Tom D. Tom and Marie .专业资料 . .. .. .. 5. More than five hundred poems that Dickinson wrote are about nature , in which her general _____about the relationship between man and nature is well expressed. A. scepticism B. eulogy C. happiness D. denial 6. In his cluster of poems called Leaves of Grass, ________g


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