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Module 3 Places and activities Unit: 1 In the school Period: 3 Date: Aims: Purpose: Open an interaction by buying things 制定依据: 内容分析: 重点:用名词的复数形式表达多于一样的物品以及 There be 句型的使用。 难点:形状的表达。 Teaching Process Stage Content Method Purpose Pre-task 1. Review the draw a circle, a To review and elicit the preparation sharps star, a square, a new teaching. 2. Introduce: triangle. rectangles What sharp is this? It ’s a circle. While-task Learn “Ask and Read the words in To catch the sentences. procedure answer” ask and answer. Play the Listen to the To elicit: cassette : Read cassette. To strengthen the and guess. For knowledge. more able students, encourage them to give you the answer. Write : It ’s Ask: How many To encourage. a (sharp) stars? (write) It ’s (colour) There are fourteen What is it? on the stars. 1 board . For more There are fourteen. able students , encourage them to make their own riddle and let the class guess. 4. Learn the sounds Count the numbers of triangles, circles and rectangles. Take out Photocopiable page 28 . Students work in pairs to ask or to count and answer. Post-task 1.Exercise 1.Drawing To consolidate. activity 2.Play a guessing Workbook page 18. game 2.S1: It ’s a?(sharps). It ’s ? What is it? S2: It ’s a ? 板 a star / stars a square /squares a triangle / triangles a circle /circles a rectangle /rectangles Thinking 2 Rebuilding 两年前的某个早上,开完科会,主任迷之微笑地对我说了一句话,啊勉,从明天开始,你每天发一句英语让大家读。我讪讪地说, “医学英语我不是很懂喔,我怕 ”同事周芬掐了我的胳膊, 她示意我不要说话。我没好气地瞪了她一眼。她没理会我,而是笑嘻嘻地说,主任,啊勉是个很谦虚的人。她英语口语很溜的。我刚想反驳她来着,却看到主任对我说,英语这事就交给了你, 你不能拒绝。即使再不喜欢,我还是好勉为其难地说, “好的!主任。 ”话音刚落,主任满意地笑了,周芬却幸灾乐祸地鼓掌起来了。其他同事见状,也鼓掌起来。我小声地向周芬抱怨,你这 个死丫头,你又不是不知道专业用语很难。你是想害死我啊!周芬郁闷道,你那样优秀,你在害怕什么呢?我没有回周芬。因为我知道,我怕自己不够优秀,我对自己不是很有信心但事已至 此,我也只能硬着头皮当接盘侠了。接下来的日子,每天早上六点我起来跑步顺便背单词。单词是英语的灵魂。想要让 26 个英文字母自由穿越,必须要熟练掌握单词。我把逛街换成看美剧, 把听华语歌曲换成经典英文曲,把看时尚杂志换成中华医学杂志 (英文版 )。每次写完一句英文,我都会看下单词、语法等是否正确。然后再问下专业学英语的同学。最后,我才把英语发到我 们妇产科的群里去。有时候,我还会根据节假日,给大家来句祝福之类的话来应景下。时至今日,我已经顺利完成这件小事了。最重要的是,我通过英语翻译,在下班之后也赚了点外快。当 你对一件事,没多大信心的时候,多去努力


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