七年级英语下册 Module 12 Western music Unit 3 Language in use 外研版.ppt

七年级英语下册 Module 12 Western music Unit 3 Language in use 外研版.ppt

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Module 12 Western music;Language practice;Have A L k;在口语中,选择疑问句的语调应是第一 个选择项读升调、第二个选择项读降调。;Did you come here by bus or by car? 你是坐公交车还是开车过来的? Which does Lingling like, traditional music or pop music? 玲玲喜欢传统音乐还是流行音乐? Who wrote The Blue Donube, Mozart or Strauss? 谁写的《蓝色多瑙河》,莫扎特还是施特劳斯?;观察上面的句子我们可以发现,选择疑问句中or所连接的可以是不同的内容,如两个名词(the father or the son)、两个动词 (call or email)、两个介词短语 (by bus or by car)、两个专有名词 (Mozart or Strauss)等。 注意:or所连接的内容一定是并列的,如果or的前面是名词,其后也应该是名词;如果是动词,则其后也必须是动词,不能前面是名词,后面却接一个动词。; you / like / pop / traditional music? Do you like pop or traditional music?;3. they / play / traditional music / modern music? Do they play traditional music or modern music?;在第一单元的对话中,Daming 在听到《蓝色多瑙河》后赞叹:_____________! Betty 也说:_______________! 她还赞美维也纳漂亮:__________________! ;仔细观察这三句话: It’s so beautiful! I love his music! What a beautiful city! 我们发现这些句子大致可分为两类。;第一类: It’s so beautiful! I love his music! That’s my favourite song! 这类感叹句在句式上与陈述句没有任何区别,只是将句号变成了感叹号,语气变得更强烈而已。 这一类句子在书面语中我们用感叹号表达感叹的语气,在口语中则是通过说话的语气来表达强烈的情感。;More examples: Happy birthday, Tom! I am so angry! Ice cream is the best dessert! Ouch, that hurts! I’m so excited! That’s wonderful!;第二类: What a beautiful city! What a lovely day! What a horrible thing to do! 这一类句子专门表达感叹意味。这种句式常用what作为句子的开头。其基本结构为“What + 强调或感叹的部分 (+句子的主语和谓语动词)”。句子的主谓部分常常可以省略。;More examples: What a beautiful flower (it is)! What a lovely dog! What a big fish! What nice people (they are)! What nice weather! What beautiful music!;当what后面修饰的名词是可数名词单数时, what后面有不定冠词a; 如前三个例句。 当what后面修饰的名词是不可数名词或可数名词复数时,what后面不加a。如后三个例句。;Write exclamations with What (a)…!;3. They are playing noisy drums. What noisy drums they are playing! 4. It was a wonderful party. What a wonderful party it was! 5. Mozart is a famous composer. What a famous composer Mozart is!;Put the words and expression into the correct column.;Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words from the box.;Lingling: Me too. Did he live at


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