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Chapter 2 I nternational B usiness N egotiations What behavior is impressive when you meet your trading partner for the first time? - Appearance -Punctuality -Enthusiasm -Respect …… What qualities should a successful business negotiator have? Qualities for Face-to-face Negotiators 1)Technical knowledge 2)Character traits Shrewdness Gregariousness Patience Concentration Flexibility Articulating ability Endurance Sense of humor Negotiating Styles I. Graham's four stage model 1. Non-task sounding sound : v. try (especially cautiously or in a reserved manner) to learn sb's views, sentiment, etc. (尤指小心含蓄地)试探他人的观点、意见等。 Business or Relationship first? Americans? business first Japanese relationship first 2.Task-related exchange of information Americans? open, honest, frank Japanese? little information, tactful 3. Persuasion ( more or less ) Americans more Japanese little persuasion is necessary 4. Concessions and agreements Americans throughout the negotiation Japanese all at the end of negotiation II. Weiss' 12 variables 1. Basic concept competitive vs collaborative 2.Criteria for selecting negotiators ability and experience vs status 3.Issues stressed practical issues vs relationship 4. Protocol/Etiquette informal vs formal -gift giving, entertainment, seating arrangements, numbers of negotiators, timing of breaks, duration of negotiation. 5.Communication verbal vs non-verbal communication 6. Nature of persuasive argument ? empirical information and rational arguments ? sensitivity and intuition 7.The role of individual - Individuals can make their own decisions - Groups make the decision and consensus is necessary. 8.Basis for trust past records vs relationship 9. Risk taking propensity/tendency - tend to take risks and accept uncertainty - do not like to take risks and accept uncertainty 10. View of time Short time horizon vs longer time view of activities 11.Decision-making systems - Individuals can make the decisions -Decisions can not be made u


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