科普版教本初中一年级七年级英语下册Topic 3. Lets celebrate!.ppt

科普版教本初中一年级七年级英语下册Topic 3. Lets celebrate!.ppt

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Thanksgiving PPT课件 * Thanksgiving The fourth Thursday in November Families in the U.S.A. get together for a big dinner . Many people eat turkey and pumpkin pie . PPT课件 * SUM UP Festival Date Food Activity Spring Festival lunar January 1st dumplings perform lion and dragon dances Christmas December 25th turkey and Christmas cakes give each other presents Lantern Festival lunar January 15th sweet dumplings watch lantern shows and guess riddles on lanterns Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday in November turkey and pumpkin pie families get together for a big dinner PPT课件 * QUESTIONS: Are there any interesting festivals in our country? PPT课件 * New Years Eve December 31st People have _____. and do not go to bed until midnight to welcome the_____. not…until: He didn’t come back until 12:00 last night. parties new year PPT课件 * One Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th Many people believe Christ came back to ___ on Easter Day . People make Easter _____ to celebrate the festival . Easter life eggs PPT课件 * April Fool’s Day April 1st Children and some young people ____ tricks on their______. play friends Play a trick/ tricks on sb 捉弄某人 PPT课件 * 一、导入:今天我们来学习《蒋筑英》这篇课文,谁来介绍一下你所知道的蒋筑英。生自由介绍,老师做适当补充。二、自由读文,进行预习1.初读课文,达到文通句顺。2.认读课后字词。憔悴 实践 隐瞒 呻吟 多音字:差(chāi chā) 校(jiào xiào)3.熟读课文,标出自然段。4.划分段落,同学评判 5.再读课文思考:文章写了一件什么事情? 在学生自学的基础上,汇报,大家讨论评判。 三、再读课文,思考通过阅读课文和搜集资料,你觉得蒋筑英是一个怎样的人?你是从哪里感觉到的?简单的写一写。 学生自学,学生汇报: 教师板书:乐于奉献 无私奉献 你能将三件事写一个题目吗?学生自由写,汇报。 四、拓展延伸 学习了这篇课文你有什么想法?写在书的空白处。 再见 Mother’s Day The second Sunday in May People show their love to their mothers by giving ______and other _________. And they often have a big dinner. cards presents PPT课件 * Teachers Day September 10th Students give _____or ______to their teachers . cards flowers PPT课件 * Mid-autumn Festival Lunar August 15th ___this day people eat mooncakes and _____the bright full moon . On enjoy PPT课件 * Activity Can you find out the right festival for the se



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