科普版教本初中二年级八年级英语下册Topic 2. Im not sure whether I can cook it well..ppt

科普版教本初中二年级八年级英语下册Topic 2. Im not sure whether I can cook it well..ppt

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left right set the table PPT课件 * What will you do when you sit down at the table? What does the dinner start with? What should you do if you use your knife? Is it polite to speak loudly at the table? What should you do when you drink to sb. ? You should take your napkin and put it on your lap. The dinner starts with a small dish. You should put the fork in your left hand. No, it isn’t. You should raise your glass and take only a sip. PPT课件 * Group work: 情景:Kangkang 周末要参加一个西方晚宴。所以要向他的外国朋友们请教一些西方餐桌礼仪。 (认真阅读1a,参考1a内容,2~4个人一组编写一个对话。) PPT课件 * What will I do when I sit down at the table? What does the dinner start with? What should I do if I use my knife? Is it polite to speak loudly at the table? What should I do when I drink to somebody? 参考: PPT课件 * When you sit down at the table, you should… The dinner always starts … If you use knife, you should … Don’t take… Don’t speak… When you drink to somebody, you should… Close your books and try to retell 1a. PPT课件 * 再 见 Section C PPT课件 * How to make a hamburger? Cut the bread into two halves . Add beef or fried chicken, cheese and vegetables to the bread . Put the two pieces of bread together . Heat the bread for one minute. The hamburger is ready . My favorite food: PPT课件 * Eating customs Is it polite to put lots of food on one’s plate in western countries? No, it isn’t. IS it impolite to use knives in Thailand? Yes, it is. PPT课件 * A: Is it polite to smoke during a meal in France? B: Yes, it is. Object clause(宾语从句) A: I want to know whether/if it is polite to smoke during a meal in France. B: I think (that) it is polite to smoke during a meal in France? 宾语从句中的从句部分要使用陈述语序 PPT课件 * Look at these pictures and discuss the different eating customs ,using the object clause. eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America PPT课件 * use a spoon and a fork to eat in Thailand. PPT课件 * eat with right hands in India PPT课件 * eat one’s soup very noisily in Japan PPT课件 * Pair work: 使用宾语从句和同桌讨论一下中国的饮食风俗。 可以使用这个句型: I



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