科普版教本初中二年级八年级英语下册Topic 3. Bicycle riding is good exercise. 2).ppt

科普版教本初中二年级八年级英语下册Topic 3. Bicycle riding is good exercise. 2).ppt

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2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box. ride give if because care safe Bicycle riding is good exercise. It is good for the environment _______ it doesn’t cause pollution. Cycling can make bicycle _______ hearts and lungs strong. You must know how to _______ first aid. Call 120 ______ an accident happens. Look out and always be __________. Everyone should know and obey the ______ rules. because riders’ give if careful safety PPT课件 * Exercise: Translation. 6. 骑自行车是很好的运动。 Bicycle riding is good exercise. 引起污染 cause pollution 2. 交通信号 traffic signals 3. 安全守则 safety rules 4. 急救 first aid 5. 总之 in a word 7. 人们用自行车来工作、运动或者只是娱乐。 People use bicycles for work, for sport or just for fun. 8. 骑车者必须要注意周围的车辆。 Bicycle riders must pay attention to the traffic around them. PPT课件 * In China, traffic goes on the right. Cars, trucks, buses _____ bikes must all keep to the right side of the _____. In most other countries, traffic _____ to the left. How can you ________ the roads safer? ______ you cross the road, stop and look each side. ______ left, then right, and then look left again. Don’t cross the road if you are not ______ whether the road is clear or not. It may be ________. If you see young children, old people, or blind people walking ______ the road, help them cross the road in _______. Helping others is a kind of virtue (美德). 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 keep and road safe danger cross before sure look make Choose the words to fill in the blanks with the proper forms. and roads keeps make Before Look dangerous across safety sure PPT课件 * 3 Talk about the pictures. Tick (√) the ones that bicycle riders should do and cross (×) the ones they shouldn’t do. Then write a passage. You may begin like this: Bicycle riding is good exercise. It helps people become fit… ______________________________________________ wear a helmet make a call play on the street follow the sign PPT课件 * 3 Example: Bicycle riding is good exercise.



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