人教版课本九年级初三英语全一册Section B.ppt

人教版课本九年级初三英语全一册Section B.ppt

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* * * * PPT课件 * What did you do on last April Fool’s Day? PPT课件 * Put these words in the correct columns in the chart. fool invite costume embarrassed go off call get dressed empty show up realize change clock tired stay up n. (特定场合穿的)服装;装束 adj. 窘迫的,害羞的 PPT课件 * Nouns (people, place, things) Verbs (action words) Adjectives (description words) fool costume change clock fool invite go off get dressed show up realize change stay up embarrassed tired empty PPT课件 * I was waiting for the school bus but it didn’t come. Then I ________ it was Saturday. 2. I woke up late this morning. I had to really ______ to get to school on time. rush realize invite show up stay up realized rush Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases. PPT课件 * 3. There’s a good TV show tonight but it’s at 1:00 am. I don’t want to _________ that late. 4. Sally _______ me to her birthday party. It’s in her house on Saturday. 5. Do you know where John is? He was going to meet me earlier but he didn’t _________. rush realize invite show up stay up stay up invited show up PPT课件 * BBC——飞翔的企鹅 2008年,BBC摄制组在南极附近拍摄了自然历史系列《进化的奇迹》(Miracles of Evolution)。里面讲述了阿德利企鹅飞翔的故事。这个飞翔企鹅的视频成了互联网上观看最多的视频之一。解说员特瑞?琼斯(Terry Jones)解释说,这些企鹅不是挤在一起忍受冬季的严寒,而是飞去几千英里以外的南美洲热带雨林,享受热带温暖的阳光。如此有爱的愚人节玩笑是相当具有迷惑性的。作为具有专业精神的媒体,BBC随后揭秘了他们是如何制作翔企鹅特效的——其实就是动画啦。 PPT课件 * 最著名的玩笑:BBC——意大利面条树大丰收 还是在遥远的1957年,英国的BBC电视台在4月1日播出了这样一条消息 :多亏刚过去的温和冬天,以及有效的控制了面条树虫害,瑞士南部一户农家的意大利面条喜获大丰收。画面中,一名女子仔细的将意大利面条从树上摘下来,把它们放到太阳下晒干。 因为在当时,意大利菜在英国还不常见。许多英国人并不知道意大利面条是用小麦粉做成的。上百通电话打到BBC,有人指出消息错误,有人疑惑不解,甚至有人询问:怎么自己种意大利面条树呢? 这可以算是电视媒体最早加入4月1日愚人节整人活动行列的例子。多年后的CNN文章,还评价它是史上最大的一个玩笑。 PPT课件 * A: What happened to Dave on April Fool’s Day? B: Well, a friend invited him to a costume party. Tell April Fool’s Day stories in your group. PPT课件 * Have you ever played jokes on others,


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