江苏专用高考英语二轮培优复习专题五书面表达第三讲任务型作文之二 写好拓展句和结尾句课件.ppt

江苏专用高考英语二轮培优复习专题五书面表达第三讲任务型作文之二 写好拓展句和结尾句课件.ppt

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第三讲 │ 任务型作文之二——写好拓展句和结尾句 如何围绕主题句展开拓展句 概括后要根据要点来写作,文章的一个段落通常包括主题句和拓展句两部分 ( 有 的还有结尾句 ) 。其中,主题句一般位于段首,提出段落主题、确定段落发展方向及 展开模式,而拓展句则用以阐述、论证、支持主题句的要点,使段落更加丰满。 一般来说,围绕主题句展开拓展句的模式有以下几种: 1. 解释原因 例如:在大城市工作有什么好处。 Working in a big city is of course an exciting thing , which means better opportunities and more conveniences. It's easier to find a well - paid job or a better platform to improve oneself. 2. 列举支撑点 例如:我们如何做才能改善环境。 If we want to improve environment then we need to change the way we behave. On the one hand , we need to buy appliances that are more energy efficient and limit the amount of time we use them. On the other hand , to reduce the effect the greenhouse gases have on our atmosphere , we should plant more trees. 3. 举例 例如:成长环境对学生的影响。 Since students are brought up in different environments , they will have different habits and characters , which will cause many conflicts in daily life. In such cases , these youngsters will often act impulsively , quarreling or even fighting with his or her classmates because of some trivial things.They may curse each other with hatred words or ask their friends to isolate these students. What's worse , they may find some excuses to hurt , beat or even bully those who have conflicts with them. 4. 比较和对比 例如:是不是越快越好? Is it the faster the better? Many people believe that the faster the better , because they can save time in this way. However , others including me hold the opinion that , in many situations , the result is far less than being satisfactory and quite often goes to the opposites.Haste makes waste. 5. 细化主题句 例如:你所喜欢的体育项目对你的影响。 As far as I'm concerned , I'm fond of jogging which is very essential in my life. On one hand , it's not a rough sport and convenient to do every day , from which I relax myself a lot and refresh my mind. On the other hand , it strengthens my suppleness , endurance and persev



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