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2020 中考核心词汇详解 S 字部( 2) 31. single adj.单一的,单个的;单身的 关联词组: single room 单人房; single bed 单人床 用法小结: 1 表示 “仅有一个的,单一的,单个的 ”,仅用于名词前。例如: I couldnt understand a single word she said! 她讲的东西我一个字都听不懂! 2 表示 “未婚的,单身的 ”。例如: Are you still single? 你还是单身吗? 反义词: married adj.已婚的 (2019,安徽卷,单项填空) 7.— Hello, Beijing Hotel. Can I help you? —Yes, Id like to_____ a single room for two nights. A. enter B.move C.book D.provide 32. situation n.形式,情况,状况,局面 用法小结: 关联词组: present situation 现状; general situation 概况; economic situation 经济形势,经济状况; international situation 国际形势; political situation 政治局势 用法: ina situation 处于 局面 /情况。例如: We have all been in similar situations. 我们都遇到过类似的局面。 (2019,浙江卷,完形) ___2___, their economic( 经济的 ) situation changed when she became ill with laryng it is(  喉炎 ) in 1894. 2. A. Although  B. So C.However  D. Besides 33. skill n.技能,技巧 用法小结: 关联词组: communication skill 沟通技巧; writing skill 书写技能; social skill  社交能力 用法:尤指通过学习和实践获得的技艺,相当于  ability  ; skill in/at (doing sht.) 表示某方面的技能。例如 His skill at dealing with people got him a nice job.  ; 因为擅长与人打交道,他得到了一份好工作。 词性转换: skilled  adj.熟练的;有技能的; skillful(ly)  adj.熟练的,巧妙的; skillfulness  n.灵巧,有技巧 (2019,山东卷,单项填空) 28.A break between classes is a good time for students to play sports and talkwith their classmates. So it _________helps with students health, _________improves their social skills . A.either; or B. neither; nor C.not only; but also 34. slow adj.adv. 慢慢的(地),缓慢的(地); v.(使)慢下来,使(减速) 用法小结: 1 作形容词,表示 “(缓)慢的;耗时的 ”,指速度不快,或进展不 快。例如: The car was travelling at a very slow speed. 汽车正以非常慢的速度行驶。 2slow 本身可作副词,和 slowly 区别如下: 一般 slowly 视为 slow 的常用副词;有时, slow 作为非正式用语或 在路标等中也用作副词,亦可用以构成复合词; slow 通常用于比较级和最高级; 比较级时 slower 和 more slowly 均 可。例如: slow-moving traffic 缓慢行进的车辆 Can you speak slower/more slowly? 你说慢点行吗? 作动词,可及物,可不及物;通常用于 slow (sth.) down (使)慢下来,(使)减速。例如: Growth in sales has slowed down. 销售的增长放慢了。 The ice on the road slowed us down. 由于路面结冰,我们放慢了速度。 反义词: quick/fast adj.快的 2019,北京卷,阅读 C)Our minds process a lot of information and time


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