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2019-2020学年福建省三明市清流县第二中学高一英语联考试题 一、 选择题 1. Every girl and every boy as well as some teachers who_______ to visit the museum_______ asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning. A. are; are???????????? B. is; is????????????? C. are; is????????? D. is; are 参考答案: C 2. The murderer in the murder case is a dark—haired white woman who is __________ forty years old. A. simply???????? B. briefly?????????? C. sincerely??????? D. approximately 参考答案: D 句意:那宗谋杀案件中的杀人犯是个黑头发的白人女性,大约40岁。simply简单地;briefly简明地;sincerely忠诚地;approximately大约。结合语境,选D。 3. China can _______ a global role in improving public health by sharing some of its vaccines (疫苗) with other developing countries. A. take effect???????? B. fix up??????? C. take on??????? D. pile up 参考答案: C 考查动词短语辨析。句意:通过和其他发展中国家分享一些疫苗,中国可以在提高公共健康方面承担全球性的作用。take effect生效;fix up安排,修理;take on承担,呈现;pile up堆积。故C选项切题。 4. This decision (决定) was due to (由于)_________ you wouldn’t get everything ready on time. ? A. that??? ???B. the doubt that???? ??C. the doubt which?? D. the doubt of 参考答案: B 解析:doubt后接的是同位语从句,故排除C项。句意是:这项决定是由于担心你不能按时准备好一切。 5. ?Your hand is dirty. It needs ____________. ?? A. to wash?? B. to be washing?? C. being washed?? D. washing 参考答案: D 6. Cassettes or Mp3 ?????in the examination must be prepared with great care to make sure nothing goes wrong in operation. ???????? A. having used?? ??????? B.being used??????? C.to use??????????????????????????? D.to be used 参考答案: D 略 7. — Are you sure you have to? It’s been very late. ? — I don’t know ________ I can do it if not now. ? A.???? what??? B. when? ????? ????? C. how ????? ????? D. where 参考答案: B 略 8. Do you have enough money to ______ all your daily expenses? ? A. pay B. offer C. fill D. cover 参考答案: D 9. The report says ________ number of endangered animals is increasing, for ________ number of them are being hunted or having no food to eat. A. the; a B. the; the C a; a D. a; the 参考答案: A 略 10. At this time tomorrow , ????????over the Atlantic A. we are g



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