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求职英语 慰问的礼仪 求职英语:慰问的礼仪 Offi ___ ambien ___) C: Amy, 我有点儿急事想请教你。 A: OK, What is it? C: 跟我一个办公室的Todd, 他妈妈在美国去世了。 A: I don\t know Todd, but I am sorry to hear that. C: 他要回美国奔丧。我想为他做点儿什么,但又不知道怎样做才符合西方的礼节,所以今天早上我一直在躲着他。 A: That\s a perfectly natural response. May I suggest a few things? C: 太好了,你快告诉我。 A: First of all, don\t avoid him. Make a point of going to him immediately and offering your condolen ___s. C: 什么是condolen ___s? A: Condolen ___s就是表示同情、慰问。 C: 我唯一能想到的`就是 "I\m sorry to hear about your loss." 就这么一句好像不太够吧? A: Sometimes that\s all you can say. If you try to say more, it ___y be the wrong thing. C: 是呀,我也是怕说多了反而坏事。 A: If you can, follow your statement of condolen ___ with an offer to help. C: 帮忙,可我能帮什么忙呢? A: Think of what he ___y need that you can do. You might offer to take him to the airport. C: 开车送他去机场确实是个好主意,可惜我没车。 A: What about work issues? Are there things you can help him with while he is away? C: 对呀,我们是一个组的,他请假,我可以承担一部分他的工作。我这就去跟他说。谢谢你,Amy. MC: 午饭时陈豪又看见了Amy. A: Chen Hao, How did things go with Todd? C: 你说得没错。我说可以承担他的工作,Todd显得如释重负。另外,我还想到了其它可以出力的地方。 A: What was that? C: Todd是我的邻居,他养了一只猫,叫Fluffy. 我告诉他说,他离开这段时间,我可以照顾Fluffy, 他听了以后特别高兴。 A: It is important to be specific at times like these. So often people simply say, "Let me know if there is anything I can do to help." C: Amy, 你觉得我还需要送花和卡片吗? A: You can, but that\s not ne ___ssary sin ___ you are expressing your sympathy in a concrete way. C: Todd还让我帮他取信。我有他 ___的钥匙。他回来之前,我还可以帮他买点儿新鲜蔬菜和水果。 A: You see how easy it is to think of acts of servi ___ for people who are grieving? C: 是啊,我们总是不好意思求别人办事,要是能主动提出来,那是再好不过的了。 A: That\s right. Too often when people don\t know what to do at a time of loss, they end up not doing anything. C: 幸亏有你,Amy. 模板,内容仅供参考


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