清华大学出版课本社一年级起点小学五年级英语上册UNIT 2 Lets go shopping Lesson 2.ppt

清华大学出版课本社一年级起点小学五年级英语上册UNIT 2 Lets go shopping Lesson 2.ppt

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Unit 2 Let’s go shopping Lesson 12 PPT课件 1 Warming-up PPT课件 2 sandwich 1 PPT课件 3 apple 2 PPT课件 4 banana 3 PPT课件 5 salad 4 PPT课件 6 milk 5 PPT课件 7 chicken 6 PPT课件 8 bread 7 PPT课件 9 meat 8 PPT课件 10 juice 8 PPT课件 11 Listen to the text and write T or F after each sentence. Li Ping and his mother buy food in a food store. Li Ping and his mother buy a box of chocolates. PPT课件 12 (3) Li Ping and his mother buy some fruit. (4) Li Ping and his mother eat dinner in the department store. PPT课件 13 (1) Jane _____ (buys, takes) an apple from the fruit basket and eats it. (2) ……. Listen to the sentence and finish them. PPT课件 14 Listen to the dialogue PPT课件 15 Pair Work PPT课件 16 Yes, please. I want to buy this sandwich. How much is it? Can I help you? PPT课件 17 Six yuan. Here you are. Thanks. PPT课件 18 单词: banana, apple, fruit, salad, bread… 句型: I want to buy… Revision PPT课件 19 五、你对薪资的要求? 回答提示:尽量表现出对该工作的兴趣。 回答样本一:我对工资没有硬性要求,我相信贵公司在处理我的问题上会友善合理。我注重的是找对工作机会,所以只要条件公平,我则不会计较太多。 回答样本二:我受过系统的软件编程的训练,不需要进行大量的培训,而且我本人也对编程特别感兴趣。因此,我希望公司能根据我的情况和市场标准的水平,给我合理的薪水。 回答样本三:如果你必须自己说出具体数目,请不要说一个宽泛的范围,那样你将只能得到最低限度的数字。最好给出一个具体的数字,这样表明你已经对当今的人才市场作了调查,知道像自己这样学历的雇员有什么样的价值。


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