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人教八年级上 Unit3 复习题 (无答案 ) Unit 3 复习题 一、 单词 The little boy is a p__________ school student. We can get much i_____________ from the Internet. His father came to school this morning because he b_______ the rules yesterday. You must study hard if you want to get good g__________. Jim is so s___________ that no one can make him laugh. It ’ s raining outside, he is still working, t__________. Last week, our team won the c_____________. 8. It ’ s 必要(的 ) to exercise every day. The baby is sleeping, please speak q___________. She is __________外(向的 ), she always makes us laugh. 11. He is the best student because he is (辛勤的) . Which team ________(赢) the game last night? There is a big m______ in my house, I can see myself in it every morning.. 14. Please speak l________, I can ’ t hear you. A good friend truly ___________(触摸 ) your heart. 二、适当形式 I ______(break) my leg last week, that made me ______(feel) sad. My sister is _________(quietly) than me. He speaks ____________(quiet) than the other students. Jim is good at ___________(write) English. Both of us ____________(read) now. She is talented in ___________(play) volleyball. 7 The most important is ___________(exercise) every day. I often help __________(do) housework at home. She isn ’ t as _________(outgoing) as her sister. It ’ s not necessary ________(be) the same. A true friend ________(reach) for your hand and ______(touch) your heart. My best friend ________(true) cares about me. LiLei is my best friend, he is always there ________(help) me. She studies _________(well) than the other girls. I enjoy ___________(play) computer games. 三、单项选择 ( )1. I think his English is better than . A. you B. yourself C.your D. yours ( )2.Miss Gao is one of the teachers in our school. A. popular B.more popular C.much popular D. most popular ( )3.The best way of learning English is it more. A. uses B.to use C.used D.use ( )4.My sister can run as as I. A. fastest B. the fastest C. fast D.faster ( )5. I ’ m taller than my brother.


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