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PAGE / NUMPAGES 介词 一般置于名词之前。它常和名词或名词性词语构成介词短语。 一、表示时间的介词 in in+ 年 in+月 in+季节 in +其他 in 2012 in Jan. in spring/summer/fall/winter in the morning/afternoon/evening on on+星期 on+某日 on+有修饰语的时间 on Monday on June 1st on the morning of June 1st on the early summer on the late afternoon at at 6:00 at 8:30 at noon at night for for 3 minutes for 4 years after after school after class after lunch 注意: 不用介词表示的词组: this year; this morning; last night; last summer; next Sunday; yesterday; tomorrow 如:Did you do your homework last night? I am going to Beijing next Sunday. What are you going to do this afternoon? 三、 方位介词 on 在……上面 There is a book on the desk. under 在……下面 The cat is under the table. over 在……上方 (两者不接触) There is a bridge over the river. in front of/before 在……前面 There is a school in front of my house. behind 在……后面 There is a tree behind my house. in 在……里面 There are 4 pens in the pencil-box. next to 在……旁边 The post office is next to the hospital. 三、 表示地点位置的介词 1. at+小地方: at home; at school; at the bus stop; at the library; 2. in+大地方: in China; in Zhaoqing; 四、固定搭配 1. listen to听 write to写; look at看; Please listen to me. 请听我讲。 I will write to you later. 我晚点会写信给你的。 Please look at the picture 让看着这幅图。 2. in +科目: in English: Whats this in English? 这用英语怎么说? in black clothes 穿黑色衣服 3. for +动词ing: Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮我。 for+某人:Ill make a card for my teacher. 我要给老师做张卡片。 for+早午晚餐: It’s time for breakfast. =It’s time to have breakfast. 4. about 1) 大约: It’s about six oclock now. 现在大约6点钟了。 2) 关于: We are talking about the news. 我们正在谈论新闻。 3) 对于: What about you? 你呢? 5. by +交通工具(by bike/bus/car/plane/train) on foot I go to school by bus. 我乘公共汽车去上学。 6. like 1) 像……样: He looks like his father. 他像他的父亲。 2) 怎样: Whats the weather like? 天气怎样。 7. of 表示所属关系: This is a photo of my family. 这是一张我家的照片。 8. to 1) He walks to the window. 他走向窗户。 2) Please count from ten to thirty. 请从10数到30. 3) Happy New Year to you. 大家新年好。 with 1) 和: Could you go home


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