CR解析:GMAT - Method of Reasoning 方法类题.docVIP

CR解析:GMAT - Method of Reasoning 方法类题.doc

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  CR解析:GMAT - Method of Reasoning 方法类题型   Critical Reasoning (批判性推理)作为以逻辑能力为代表的典型题目,更是需要你时时刻刻保持清晰的思路。就CR而言,CR Bible逻辑圣经给我们提供了一套很实用的思考体系。今天yjbys网小编将带大家了解CR当中的一个重点题型:Method of Reasoning 演绎题。   Method of Reasoning的常见提问方式:   The method of the argument is to   The argument proceeds by   The argument drives its conclusion by   Which of the following describes the technique of reasoning used above?   Which of the following is an argumentative strategy employed in the argument?   The argument employed which one of the following reasoning techniques?   简而言之,Method题型里面,作者会问你问你原文作者用了什么样的论证手法(argumentative strategy, technique, method)   解这类型的题目,首先需要你去读懂原文的论证过程,所以建议你首先去分析哪句话是conclusion,哪些句话是premises。并且,有时候即使我们分析完了conclusion和premises,也不一定能立刻就选出选项。通常选项会用一些抽象词汇来替代原文的Premise和conclusion。而我们要做的,就是判断这些抽象词汇是否准确地形容了premise和conclusion的性质,如果原文的句子能够和答案的说法对号入座,那么答案就是正确的。   以下例题摘自Prep12 Question Pack   Case Study 1   Sonya: The government of Copeland is raising the cigarette tax. Copelands cigarette prices will still be reasonably low, so cigarette consumption will probably not be affected much. Consequently, government revenue from the tax will increase.   Raoul: True, smoking is unlikely to decrease, because Copelands cigarette prices will stil not be high. They will, however, no longer be the lowest in the region, so we might begin to see substantial illegal sales of smuggled cigarettes in Copeland.   Raoul responds to Sonyas argument by doing which of the following?   A. Questioning the support for Sonyas conclusion by distinguishing carefully between no change and no decrease   B. Calling Sonyas conclusion into question by pointing to a possible effect of a certain change   C. Arguing that Sonyas conclusion would be better supported if Sonya could cite a precedent for what she predicts will happen   D. Showing that a cause that Sonya claims will be producing a certain effect is not the only cause that could produce that effect   E. Pointing out that a certain initiative is not bold enoug


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