2021春冀教版九年级英语下册 Unit 8 课后作业.pptxVIP

2021春冀教版九年级英语下册 Unit 8 课后作业.pptx

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来自《典中点》一、单项选择1.—Are you going to the cinema ________ underground? —No. I am going there ________ a car. A.take; in B.by; take C.by; in D.by; byC来自《典中点》2.—Did you get WeChat Red(微信红包) ________ the Spring Festival? —Yes. It's actually the most popular way of sending traditional holiday presents now.(中考·天水) A.with B.for C.during D.afterC【点拨】句意:——春节期间你收到微信红包了吗?——是的。实际上目前传统节日送礼最流行的方式就是发微信红包了。with和,附着;for为了;during在……期间;after在……之后。根据语境,此处指“春节期间”。故选C。来自《典中点》3.—Betty, pass me the ________. I will cut the cake. —OK, Mom. Here you are. A.sugar B.scarf C.knife D.note4.________come to my birthday party. A.Be B.Have C.Do D.Can5.A:Can I help you, madam? B:I want ________. (中考·遵义) A.two boxes of apple B.two glass of water  C.two bowls of porridgeCCC来自《典中点》6.“A white elephant” means something that is useless, ________ it may cost a lot of money.(中考·广东) A.unless B.until C.since D.although7.(易错题) I hope you ________ me with my English. A.can help B.to help C.help D.helping8.I have looked for my pet dog________,but I can't find it________. A.somewhere; anywhere B.everywhere; somewhere C.anywhere; somewhere D.everywhere; anywhereDAD来自《典中点》9. —Let's go out to play football, shall we? —OK, I ________. A.will coming B.am coming C.come D.be going to come10.To my surprise, my grandma suddenly asked me ________ get the “Red Packets” on QQ. (中考·孝感) A.that she could B.how she could C.what could she D.whether could she BB【点拨】本题运用语法判定法。宾语从句要用陈述语序,排除C和D;由语境可推知是询问怎样得到红包,故选B。来自《典中点》二、用所给单词的适当形式完成句子11.—What are they doing?—They ________________ (chat). 12.The Spring Festival is the ________________ (important) in China. 13.We Chinese are used to having meals with____________ (chopstick).14.People enjoy _____________(watch) the program Readers. It is hosted by Dong Qing.15.The trip to Hainan is _____________ (wonder). are chatting most importantchopstickswatching


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