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PAGE 1、He doesn’t mind wearing _________ clothes. A.out of date???????B.out-of-date C.being out of date?????D.of out of date 2、Many students signed up for the _________ race in the sports meeting to be held next week. A.800-metre-long?????B.800-metres-long C.800 meter length?????D.800 meters length 3He has _____ . A.not self-confidence B.not self-confident C.no self-confidence D.no self-confident 4________ exciting news! We will have a ________ holiday after the exam.? A.What an; two months B.How an; two months C.What; two-month D.How; two months’ 5His father has made a _____ bench for him. A.four legged B.four-leg C.four-legged D.four legs 6The old tower looks nice. It’s about ______ . A.twelve-metre high B.twelve-metre high C.twelve-metrees high D.twelve metres high 7They had a wonderful party last Saturday. First, they danced and then they had a talk. A.face to face;face to face B.face to face; face-to-face C.face-to-face ; face-to-face D.face-to-face ; face to face 8、This job doesnt pay well, but itll _________ (rough) cover your daily expenses. 9、It is more complicated than we __________ (previous) thought. 10、It is __________ (excite) to realize that we can do anything we set our mind to. 11、Jane has been ___________ (finance) independent of her parents since a young age. 12、We are all amazed at the _____________ (express) power of his music. 13、He has been an active __________(participate) in the discussion. 14、Some hospital patients experience high levels of _______(anxious). 15、The city has a good reputation for its rich and varied ___________ (culture) life. 16、It doesn’t take much ________________(imagine) to guess what she meant. 17、I find the job fun and ____________(challenge). 18、It was very__________(consider) of him to wait. 19、Considering small talk important is easy,but we can’t forget that deep relationships wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for casual conversation, 20、Paris had suffered a sudden heart failure. Without immed



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