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重庆大学版 高- The Road Not Taken Robert Frost Frost's house Frost's mail box Frosfs study How much do you know about Robert Frost? PIK) r(X;KAPUS BY Ek A. Versed in Country Things ROBERT FROST (1874—1963) 1882: dropped out of school and was educated at home. 1897: passed Harvard College entrance examination; boiTowed money from Grandfather and entered Harvard as a Freshman. 1899: withdrawed from Harvard on March 31. 1912: decided to live in England for a few years and devoted himself to writing full time. 1913: A Boy's will was published on April 1. 1923: Select Poems was published Awarded Pulitzer Prize in 1924,1931, 1937 and 1943. The Features of Robert Frost's Poetry ? 1)Regional materials convey universal meanings; 伞 A teasing tone instead of beinq didactic: 禺 2)Dramatic Elements: monologue, dialogue; Characters and Conflict; *3)Colloquial style:t£ All poetry is a reproduction of the tones of actual speech Fast-reading Read the poem and find out how many parts of the poem ? four parts Words that rhyme with each other have a very similar sound and are often used in poems. Read the first part of the poem and find out the rhyme. woodstood—could d both—undergrowth——th Try and find more words in this poem that rhyme with each other. part 2 fair—wear—there claim—same part 3 lay——day—way black—back part 4 sigh —I by hence???difference The rhyme scheme of this poem: ABAAB Scan the text and choose the best answer to complete each of the following statements. Robert Frost based his poem on his ? practice walk c closest friend^ experience Edward Thomas was not satisfied because of . Frosfs way of taking a walk in the q countryside. the unusual plants or special scenery. his not having shown his friend something bette匚 Robert Frost first became successful in ? America B England New England Edward Thomas . g liked the poem very much? didn't quite understand the joke that Frost wanted to make. was disappointed by Robert Frost's irony. Robert Frost ? B told his audience directly


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