初中英语研究小组课件Unit 3 Topic 2 Section C.pptVIP

初中英语研究小组课件Unit 3 Topic 2 Section C.ppt

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肇庆市鼎湖区实验中学 陈洁英 Mozart — the Wonder Boy press /pres/ note piano /n??t/ keys /sma?l/ smile He can write music. So ,he is a__________ . /k?m'p??z?/ They are . My favorite singer composer composers Who was he ? Mozart /'m??za:t / He was a composer. He was a wonder boy. He was an amazing boy. /'w?nd? / /?'me?z??/ How much do you know about Mozart’s childhood? * Mozart was born in Austria in 1756 . *At the age of three, he was able to play the piano by himself. *At the age of four, he started taking music lesson. *when he was five, he began to write music by himself. *when he was seven years old, he began playing for other people. What a wonder boy! What an amazing child! Read and understand Watch the flash of 1a and answer the following questions. 视频1a-P67 Who was Nannerl ? 2. How did Father feel when little Mozart began to write music ? 3.What does the word “wonder”mean in the title? Can you find another word like it? 4. Why did Wolfgang smile in Paragragh 4? 5. What do you think of Mozart? She was Mozart’s sister. He was surprised. It means “奇迹,奇才”. Yes,amazing. Because the music sounded beautiful. He was an amazing child, a born musician. Mark the words and phrases in the text. ①at the age of..., ②when he was..., ③by himself, ④wonder, ⑤note, ⑥smile, ⑦without any help, ⑧as well as , ⑨so… that, ⑩such, ?amazing, ?musician Read 1a and fill in the blanks. Mozart — the Wonder Boy Before Father taught him Mozart asked his father to give him a ______ lesson, but his father said he was too ______. Why Father decided to teach him When Mozart was alone in the room, he played ______ without any help. The music sounded __________. After Father began to teach him Little Mozart learned very _______ and began to ______ music by himself at the age of ________. What an ________ child ! amazing music little well beautiful quickly write five Paragraph 5 : Soon … played as … as … learned so … that… But … started to write … w


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