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Module丿 Basketball KBXLN课标新理念 类别 课程目标要求掌握的项目 话题 basketball and sports 词汇 defend,talented,professional^ motivation, various^ deserve,popularity^ rely,instant, dominate,parallel^ adequate,abrupt^ accelerate^ appoint,typical, obtain,commit,confirm,basis rely on,all the time,in the history of,with an average of,if necessary^ be rude to, be used to, draw sb's attention to, take possession of,pick up,name after,be based on 类别 课程目标要求掌握的项目 功能 Expressing feelings and emotions: was amazed/astonished/disappointed/excited/surprised/e xhausted/...at the amazing/astonishing/disappointing/exciting/surprisi ng/...news. 2?I'm looking forward to(doing) sth?… feel nervous about... 4J think???is fantastic... 语法 Conversion and suffixes change,answer, question,win,average^ work,dream,result,star,score,record^ export, increase,permit,present... l.n.-^adj.t n. + ful/less/ic/al/ive/ous/able/ible/y/ly... Introduction ZDCH重点词汇 1. attack v > /n. 1)攻击;进攻;袭击 ■①They decided to attack at night. ■他们决定夜晚进攻。 ■②A woman was attacked and robbed by a gang of youths. ■有一妇女遭到一群青年的袭击和抢劫。 ③Out troops are now on the attack. ■我们的部队正在进攻。 2)抨击;对付;着手处理(某事物) a newspaper article attacking the Prime Minister ■报纸上抨击首相的文章i I i J ?The government is making no attempt to attack unemployment. ■政府无意解决失业问题。 ;; ; ■②They attacked their meal with gusto. ■他们大吃大喝。 ■知识拓展 attacker n.攻击者;进攻者 发起make fierce attacks against/on...对 猛烈袭击 发起 ■即学即用 Spain more deserved a goal. A ? attached B ? attended C ? attracted D. attacked ■答案:D in the second half and 2. defend vt. 1)防护;防卫 ■① When a dog attacked me, I defended myself with a stick. ■当一只狗攻击我时,我用一根棍子防卫。 ■②His task is to defend his opponent in the basketball match. ■他在篮球比赛中的任务是防守对方。 2)辩护;[律]作……的辩护律师 We need some lawyers to defend us. ■我们需要几名律师为我们辩护。 知识拓展■ defence/defense n.■ defend sb./sth. from... 知识拓展 ■ defence/defense n. ■ defend sb./sth. from... 免遭…… ■ defend sb./sth. against... 防守/护 保护某人(物) 保卫某人(物)抵御 ■ ①All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks. ■我们


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