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有关肺炎疫情高中英语日记例文带翻译 这是中华人民再一次面对病毒危机:新型冠状病毒。距离上次20xx年非典仅过去17年,刚好降临在春节之际。 This is the novel coronavirus, once again faced by the Chinese people. Only 17 years have passed since the last SARS outbreak in 20xx, just at the time of the Spring Festival. 这是一种急性感染肺炎,其病原体是一种先前未在人类中发现的新型冠状病毒。 The novel coronavirus is a new type of coronavirus which has not been found in humans. 患者如初症状为发热,乏力,干咳,并逐渐出现呼吸困难等表现,严重者呼吸窘迫或脓毒症状休克,甚至死亡,目前认为该病主要通过飞沫传播和接触传播,目前还未发现特效的治疗方法和病毒疫苗。 If the patient’s initial symptoms are fever, fatigue, dry cough, and gradually dyspnea and other manifestations, severe respiratory distress or sepsis shock, or even death, it is currently considered that the disease is mainly transmitted through droplets and contact, and no specific treatment method and virus vaccine has been found. 病因原由吃了某野生中华菊头蝙蝠、果子狸,人类处于食物链最高端,但也不是万物皆可食的,溯源分析结果将源头指向了武汉华南海鲜市场。病毒形式可能严峻化,冠状病毒属于RHA病毒,变异性极强,且目前疫情处于早中期阶段,后续将可能出现病毒变异及超级病人,增强防控难度。这是一次严重的`危机,作为人类的我们不应该反思?如果疫情无法控制人类将何去何从?如果我们管好自己不贪嘴吃野味会有这等事? The cause of the disease was due to eating a wild Chinese chrysanthemum head bat and civet cat. Human beings are at the top of the food chain, but not all things can be eaten. The traceability analysis results point to the South China seafood market in Wuhan. The form of the virus may be severe. Coronavirus belongs to RHA virus, which has strong variability. At present, the epidemic situation is in the early and middle stage, and virus variation and super patients may appear in the future, which will enhance the difficulty of prevention and control. This is a serious crisis. As human beings, we should not reflect on it. If the epidemic cannot be controlled, where will human beings go? If we take good care of ourselves, we will not be greedy for wild animals? 不要过分陶醉于我们对自然的胜利,对于每一次这样的胜利,自然界都报复了我们。 Don’t overindulge in our victory over nature. For every such victory, nature retaliates against us. 我希望全国人民手拉手携手共抗此次危机,都好好在自家呆好,不乱跑。武汉小可爱,不要害怕,有祖国在,我们一定可以度过这次危机,很多医护人


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