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第 PAGE 页码 页码 页 / 总页数 NUMPAGES 总页数 总页数 页 大集团公司英文助理简历模板 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《大集团公司英文助理简历模板》的内容,具体内容:Wang junRm. 2, 4F, Sun Tong Plaza, 1368 Huanhai Rd (W)(021)Email: hongxj@mesh... Wang junRm. 2, 4F, Sun Tong Plaza, 1368 Huanhai Rd (W)(021)Email: hongxj@meshnet.sh.cnOBJECTIVEEnglish assistant position at a multinational company in Shanghai.EXPERIENCEX X X Co., Ltd., Shanghai 2000-present Executive assistant to head of factoryResponsibilities include prioritizing appointment schedules and travel arrangements for the head of factory, managing confidential files and records, doing English and Japanese interpretation in business talks, and supervising and training clerical staff.X X X Network, Inc., Shanghai 1998-2000 Executive assistant to vice managerResponsibilities included scheduling appointments, keeping files, and traveling to Europe to make advance arrangements for client conferences and extensive client contact.X X X Publishing Company, Shanghai 1995-1998 Office assistantResponsibilities included word processing, data entry, filing, and sometimes bookkeeping.EDUCATIONX X X Training Center, Shanghai 1999Completed course of computer typing skills, shorthand, computerized accounts, and manual bookkeeping.X X X College of Continuing Education, Shanghai 1998Completed one-year Japanese courseX X X College of Shanghai 1991-1995Majored in English for Business, Obtained BABUSINESS SKILLS★ Familiar with English accounting and bookkeeping☆ Fluent in oral and written English★Able to communicate in Japanese☆ Computer skills in Window XP★ Typing speed of 80 wpm☆ Good organizational skills★ Experience of bilingual interpretation


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