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Elka Elka, who is known as the town prostitute, marries Gimpel when he agrees to get the town to take up a collection to raise a dowry for her. She is five months pregnant by another man when they are married, but she tells Gimpel the child is his and, when it arrives four months after their marriage, that it is simply premature. Throughout the story Elka commits numerous infidelities and eventually has ten children, none of whom are Gimpels. On her deathbed she admits her infidelities to her husband and asks him to forgive her. The Spirit of Evil The devil appears to Gimpel the baker and tells him to urinate in the bread intended for the village in order to get revenge for the many injustices the villagers have forced him to endure over the years. Setting 曾有着近2000?年流散历史的犹太民族自公元70?年起就失去了祖国,一次又一次地被驱散到世界各地,受尽侮辱迫害;在20?世纪三四十年代,又遭到人类历史上最大的劫难,?600?万同胞死于德国法西斯的屠刀下。而吉姆佩尔的遭遇也正好象征着受苦受难的犹太民族。为了再现民族的流散与苦难历史,辛格以同情的笔触描述了孤儿吉姆佩尔苦难的一生。而吉姆佩尔故意以“愚者”身份苟活在小镇中这一现实,也象征着犹太人民面临异族迫害时所显示的顽强的生命力。 小说《傻瓜吉姆佩尔》以写实的手法记述了犹太移民的生活境遇、文化和人格,同时他们也都不约而同地塑造了那种傻气、常被捉弄、易受伤害又惯于自我解嘲的文学典型。这是犹太民族特有的生存现状和文化心态的艺术形象化,它甚至成为当代美国犹太文学中的原型性形象。 plot summary Isaac Bashevis Singers first collection of stories, Gimpel the Fool, is a landmark work that has attracted international acclaim since it was first published in 1957. In Saul Bellows masterly translation, the title story follows the exploits of Gimpel, an ingenuous baker who is universally deceived but who declines to retaliate against his tormentors. Gimpel and the protagonists of the other stories in this volume all inhabit the distinctive pre-World War II ghettos of Poland and, beyond that, the larger world created by Singers unforgettable prose. 他是个孤儿,在一家面包店干活,光绰号就有七个:低能儿、蠢驴、亚麻头、呆子、苦人儿、笨蛋,还有傻瓜 Writing Career Nearly 40 years’ writing career , he published 12 novels, 2 volume short story collections, 1 scientific experiments novel, 3 travel notes . He also set his foot in screenplay creation and photography. Works
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