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作文: 一、Sandy 想写一篇作文帮助更多人了解ORBIS,他收集了一些关于ORBIS 的信息,请你根据这些信息帮助Sandy 完成这篇作文。 ORBIS帮助有眼疾的人, 它是一个国际慈善组织。 大多数的眼病都可以预防或治疗,但许多人负担不起治疗费用。 ORBIS 医生会通过飞行眼科医院帮助他们,并交当地医生和护士新的技术和知识。 我们可以为ORBIS捐款来支持他们的工作。 例文: ORBIS is an international charity that helps people with eye problems. Most eye problems can be cured or prevented. But many patients are so poor that they can’t afford to go to hospital. So the ORBIS doctors use a flying eye hospital to help them. They do operations on the plane. The plane is also used as teaching centre, the ORBIS doctors can teach local doctors and nurses new skills and knowledge. Many people are very grateful to ORBIS. We can support their work by sending donations to them. 二、请根据以下信息写一篇70次左右的作文介绍UNICEF。 set up in 1946 works all over the world wants to make the world a better place for children provide poor children with … raises money by selling Christmas card support the work by … 例文: UNICEF is an International charity that helps poor children return to school. It was set up in 1946. It works all over the world. UNICEF wants to make the world a better place for children. It provides food, clean water, clothes and a chance to study for children in poor areas. It raises money by selling Christmas cards or organizing other fundraising activities. We think it important for every child to go to school. We can support UNICEF by sending donations or doing some voluntary work. Why not try your best to help poor children? 三、Sunshine 中学的学生们想组织一次义走活动来版主贫困孩子们重返学校,下面是这次活动的有关信息,请根据这些信息完成作文。 名称:walk for children 目的: 帮助贫困学生重返校园,为他们提供衣食和学习机会。 时间:7月1日,上午7点至9点。 路线:阳光街-南山 其他信息:从学校办公室获取申请表 两小时内完成行走可以获得证书 欲知详情,请联系xxx。 电话:1234567 例文: We are going to hold a charity walk called walk for children. The aim of the walk is to raise money for poor children. Your donations can provide them with food, clothes and a chance to study. The walk will be held on June 1, from 7:00am to 9:00am. We will walk from Sunny Street to South Hill. We can enjoy the beauti



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