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I spend…hours a week reading. On weekdays, I usually… I…at the weekend. I am interested in…books. /My favourite book is… I get most of my books from… My friends/ teachers often… I love reading because… Useful expressions What time do you want to start your trip? Where will you go? How will you go there? What will you do at each place? When and where will you have lunch? What time do you want to return home? How much will you pay for the trip? Tips for the plan Make a survey on reading habits among your classmates. Share your reading habits with your friends. Using a noun after a question word + to-infinitives They are discussing which colour to paint the walls. You can ask your parents how much money to take with you. Suzy was not sure who to ask for help. Are you clear when to meet at the gate tomorrow? Using an adjective before a question word + to-infinitives Finish the exercises on P55. 他想知道明天在哪会见他的朋友。 昨天她问我们何时上交工作。 我们正在商量去参观哪个地方。 我不确定明天怎么去上学。 她不能决定买哪条裙子。 Summary He wonders where to meet his friends. She asked us when to hand in the work yesterday. We are discussing which place to visit. I’m not sure how to go to school tomorrow. She can’t decide which skirt to buy. Make up new sentences using questions words +to infinitives. 2. Pre-view P56. Unit 4 A good read Grammar 2 Gulliver was tied to the ground. So he must run away. Study is very important. So we must study hard. We use must when the speaker feels that something is necessary. He mustn’t lie on the ground. We mustn’t talk in class. Get the students to make up new sentences using “must”. Gulliver was tied to the ground. He has to lie on the ground. Grandma is ill. She has to see the doctor. We use have to when the situation makes something necessary. She doesn’t have to worry about herself. He doesn’t have to shout at the tiny men. Get the students to make up new sentences using “have to”. Complete the following sentences with ‘must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to’. You


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