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五年级下学期易错题2020.2 用所给动词的适当形式填空 -Why cant she ____ (have) ice cream ? -Because she ___ (have) a fever. -The brown trousers __(be)short. Please _(try)on this pair. Why ____ people ______ off their clothes? The prince wants _________(find) his girl. _________ Mike _______ (come) back late? He is________(take)off his coat. Who usually ( come)home early? My head (hurt). I like (listen)to stories very much. (be)the doctor late for the party? The boy wants____(make)a kite. The old woman____(sit)on the sofa now. Do you want____(ride)a bike in the park? 根据中文提示,完成句子 1.灰姑娘想参加在王子家举行的聚会。 Cinderella ___ to go to the party at the ___ house. 2.王子在聚会上玩得开心。 The prince ___ a ___ ___ at the party. 3.海伦想试穿那条红色连衣裙。 Helen ___ to try ___ the red dress. 4.-你为什么看上去很难过? -因为我找不到我的风筝了。 -Why do you ___ sad? -___ I ___ ___ my kite. 5.-你们放学后通常去哪里? -我们通常去图书馆。 -Where ___ you usually ___ after school? -We usually go to the ___. -你爸爸喜欢你们的新家吗 -是的。他非常喜欢 -____you father like ____ ____home -yes.he____it____ ____. --萨姆骑自行车上学吗 -我想不是。但是他总是坐在篮子。 -Does Sam go to school . -I dont .But he always in the basket. 选择填空 ( ) ___ your father like ___ to music? a Does;listening b Do;listening c Does;listen ( ) Who Cinderella? A、help B、helps C 、helping ( )Look at this dress. How nice! . A. Let’s tries on it B. Let’s try on it. C. Let’s try it on ( ) Let the little girl ________it. A. do B. does C. doing ( )____your cap fit? Yes. It fits me_____. A. Do well B. Does well C. Do good ( )__________________? Cinderella’s. A. Whose shoe do the prince have B. Whose shoe does the prince have C. Who’s shoe does the prince have ( )They cannot_________ there by bike. A. get to B. gets to C . get ( ) Beijing is a big _______ in China. A. Town B. city C. street ( )The station is ______



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