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Unit2 Good habits (Story time) Jing hua primary school Peng Kun I finish my work before nine o’clock! I get up early, never go to bed late. I keep my room clean and tidy. I often put my things in order. 12:00 pm B 9:00 pm A tidy: not messy habits习惯 把……放整齐 完成 从不 学习目标: 1、了解关于王兵和刘涛的不同习惯。 2、熟读课文Story time 部分,并充分解读课文内容。 3、根据课文内容谈论自己的习惯。 自学提示一: 自读课文Story time部分,找出自己不会的单词、短语或者句子! 1.What habits do Wang Bing and Liu Tao have? What habits do Wang Bing and Liu Tao have? What are we talking about? Habits (习惯) Hobbies Weekends 学生通过自主学习,完成第一项任务。 自学提示二:Read storytime and underline Wang Bing and Liu Tao’s habits. (默读storytime,并划出刘涛和王兵有哪些习惯?) Wang Bing gets up early and goes to bed late . finishes his homework early puts his things in order brushes his teeth in the morning and before bedtime never Liu Tao good habits helps his parents keeps his room clean and tidy listens to his teachers bad habits goes to bed late does his homework late at night 通过小组合作的方式,学习文本。 自学提示三:Try to say Liu Tao’s habits with your desk mates. (试着和同桌一起说说刘涛的好坏习惯!) Liu Tao Why does Liu Tao often do his homework late? Liu Tao often does his homework late and he goes to bed late,too. Do you have any questions? Liu Tao good habits helps his parents keeps his room clean and tidy listens to his teachers bad habits goes to bed late does his homework late at night 自学提示四:Imagine Liu Tao’s next day, talk about it with your group members. (想像一下刘涛的第二天会发生什么呢?4人小组试着演一演吧!) What’s Liu Tao’s next day? Liu Tao’s next day Liu Tao goes to bed very late. The next day,…. …. Do you have any advice for Liu Tao?(你有什么建议给刘涛吗?) Why did he bump his head(撞头)? Tip:精读课文注意升调 降调 以及重读 Tip:跟读录音时注意升调 降调 以及重读 Tip:跟读录音时注意升调 降调 以及重读 d helps his parents c goes to bed late b gets up early a does his homework late at night e finishes his homework early f puts his things in order a c d e



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