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9 . 保 护 野 生 动 植 物 Wildlife Protection Dinosaur s died out because of anunexpected incident . But wildlife today disappears or is in danger just because humans do harm to it. For example, tigers arehunt ed for fur to make carpet s so that they can only live in secure reserves; grassland is destroyed without mercy so that dust storms come into being affect ing distant cities. Last year, scientists saw some monkeysrub bing themselves with acertain kind of insects to protect themselvesfrom fierce mosquito es biting . According to the result of the inspection , they found that the insectcontain s a powerful drug, so local farmers were employ ed to catch the insects. Theending was that the insects disappeared from the whole zone. When told that it was aloss to humans, the farmersburst into laughter and responded, “Our real loss is ourdecreasing income. ” We should appreciate the natural balance andpay more attention to the importance of wildlife protection . Not until we succeed in letting wildlife live in peace, can we smilein relief . 恐龙 因一次 意外事件 而灭绝 ,但是今天的 野生动植物 却是因为人类的 伤害 而消 失或 处在危险中 。例如,老虎被 猎杀 以获取做 地毯 的皮毛 , 以致它们只能生活在 安 全的保护区 里;草地被毫不 怜悯 地破坏,以致 沙尘 暴开始影响遥远的 城市。 去年,科学家观察到猴子在身上 擦某 种 昆虫来保护 自己不受凶猛的蚊子的叮咬 。 根据检查 的结果,他们发现这种昆虫 含有一种具有 强大 效力 的药物,于是,当地的 农民都被 雇 来抓虫子。 结果 是,这种昆虫从这整个 地区 都消失了。当被告知说这是 整个人类的 损失 时,农民们都 突然大笑 着 回应道:“我们 减少的收入 才是我们真正 的损失呢!” 我们应该 意识到 自然平衡的 重要 ,更加注意 野生动植物的 保护。 直到我们 成功 让 野生动植物 安详平静地 生活,我们自己才能 如释重负 地笑开颜。 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 页眉内容 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组: protection, decrease, reserve, zone, carpet, respond, distant, mercy, importance, mosquito, insect, contain, affect 1 Wolong Nature ________ , Sichuan Province is one home to pandas. 2 Sunglasses can be a _________ to your e


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