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密级: 密级: 分类号: 影响中小广告公司发展的因素研究 专业: 姓名: 摘要 广告产业已经成为当前经济发展中最具发展潜力与势头的十大产业Z-, 而这个产业发展过程屮,体现出了浓厚的集中发展的趋势,但是同时乂呈现出 中小广告公司数量众多的特点。尤其是在我国,广告产业的整体发展水平与竞 争力都相对不高,中小广告公司的发展与转型尤为重要。基丁这样的考虑,本 文主要探讨我国中小广告公司发展的影响因素,并在此基础上,分析我国的中 小广告公司应当怎样实现进一步发展。全文共分为六大部分:第一部分是绪论, 论述木文写作的背景以及国内外学者当前的研究现状;第二部分是木文的立足 点,界定相关概念,并分析中小广告公司的特点;第三部分,主要分析当前中 小广告公司发展的环境,即包括社会大环境,也包括行业内部环境;第四部分, 分析我国中小广告公司发展的现状,主要从技术、理念、营销传播模式与组织 机构四大层面入手;第五部分,指出中小广告公司发展中的不足与不利因素, 主要有专业化水平低、国外行业压制、扶持政策缺乏等问题;第六部分,提出 中小公司更好发展的策略,既需要政府的努力,也需要产业与中小广告公司自 身的改变。 关键词:广告产业;中小广告公司;影响因素;不足;策略 Abstract The advertisi ng in dustry has become one of the ten major in dustrial development potential and momentum most economic development at present, and the process of in dustrial developme nt, reflects the str ong tre nd of developm ent, but also show a number of characteristics of small advertising company. Especially in China, the advertising industrys overall level of development and competitiveness are opposite not tall, development and transformation of small advertising company is particularly important. Based on this consideration, this paper mainly discusses the in flue nee factors of small and medium-sized advertisi ng compa ny developm ent in China, and on this basis, analysis should be how to achieve further development of Chinas small and medium-sized advertising company. The full text is divided into six parts: the first part is the introduction, the background and the current research status of domestic and foreig n scholars discussed; the seco nd part is the foothold, defi ning the releva nt con cepts, and an alyses the characteristics of small and medium-sized advertising company; the third part, the main analysis of the current development of small and medium-sized advertising companys environment, including social environment the in dustry, including in ter nal environment; the fourth part, analysis of the current situation of small and medium-sized advertising compa ny in China developme nt, starting from the tech no logy, p


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