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To whom it may concern: It gives me tremendous pleasure to recommend to you Ms. Du, who has applied for admissi on into your graduate program. Both Ms. Du and I work for The First Water Supply Plant of Big City, the biggest in Big City, where Ms. Du has always bee n an in spir ing source of help and support for me throughout the years with her impressive meticulous ness and dilige nee. (至 U了第二段也没 有说明推荐者与被推荐人的具体关系是不妥的。 ) She started work ing as my assista nt whe n our pla nt had just completed con vert ing the old filters into fast-filters and I was busy testing their working conditions to make sure that the con vers ion was successful. It was a good opport un ity for her to practice what she had lear ned, and she did seize it. She was first assig ned to do data record ing in the experiment of testing the functioning of the new filters under different conditions. She did the job with great patie nee and meticulous care, despite its triviality and boredom. But, with her creative mind, she was n ever content with merely doing her job. Whe n the data were in, she studied them and put forward her an alysis of what the data suggested, as proved in valuable for the experime nt. By and by, I developed full con fide nee in her research ability and later let her do some related minor experiments independently. It turned out to be a wise move as her experime nt reports were very satisfactory. Her En glish is also very good. Over the past few years, she has helped me tran slate lots of foreig n tech no logy literature. She is always willi ng to do this work., as she believes tran slati ng not only improves her En glish, but adds to her kno wledge of the latest developme nts in water and waste water treatme nt. (本段的内容是必要的,但位置不妥, 放在这里打断了对她科研能力的介绍和评价。应放在下一段之后。 ) After one and a half years work, I am con fide nt that she would have a very promis ing prospect in the field of water treatme nt, since she has dem on strated all the abilities and personality -hard-working, cautious and


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