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名言大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 关于目标名言英语 导读:本文是关于关于目标名言英语的文章, 如果觉得很不错, 欢迎点评和分享! 1、向前看总是明智的,但要做到高瞻远瞩并非易事。 It's always wise to look ahead, but it's not easy to be forward-looking. 2、每天手写核心目标十遍以上。 Handwritten core goals more than ten times a day. 3、意志目标不在自然中存在,而在生命中蕴藏。 The purpose of will does not exist in nature, but in life. 4、在狭隘的环境中便精神狭隘,人要有更大的目标才能大成。 In a narrow environment, people are narrow-minded and can achieve great success only if they have bigger goals. 5、进步,意味着目标不断前移,阶段不断更新,它的视影不断 变化。 Progress means that the goals are moving forward, the stages are constantly updated, and its videos are constantly changing. 6、目标太多,等于没有目标。 Too many goals mean no goals. 7、走得最慢的人,只要他不丧失目标,也比漫无目的地徘徊的 名言大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 人走得快。 The slowest walker, as long as he does not lose his goal, walks faster than the aimless wanderer. 8、只管把目标定在高峰,人家要笑就让他去笑! Just set your goal at the top, and let him laugh if people want to laugh! 9、寻找下一个目标就是我的目标。 Finding the next goal is my goal. 、达到目标前,所有努力都叫不够努力。 Before reaching the goal, all efforts are not enough. 、我们干工作要使每件日常事务适应于伟大的坚定目标。 We work to adapt every routine to great and firm goals. 、战略不能落实到结果和目标上面,都是空话。 Strategies that fail to achieve results and goals are empty talk. 、再遥远的目标,也经不起执着的坚持。 No faraway goal can stand the persistence. 、“不可能”这个字,只在愚人的字典中找得到。 The word "impossible" can only be found in the dictionary of fools. 、一个人的真正伟大之处就在于他能够认识到自己的渺小。 The real greatness of a man is that he can realize his 名言大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 insignificance. 、你们的理想与热情,是你航行的灵魂的舵和帆。 Your ideals and enthusiasm are the rudder and sail of your sailing soul. 、无目标而生活,犹如没有罗盘而航行。 Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 、不是没有目标,只是因为将幻想当成了目标。 It's not that there's no goal, it's just that fantasy is a goal. 、没有一定的目标,智慧就会丧失;哪儿都是目标,哪儿就都没有目标。 Without a certain goal, wisdom will be lost; wherever there is a goal, there is no goal. 、有了长远的目标,才不会因为暂时的挫折而沮丧。 With long-term goals, we will not be frustrated by temporary setbacks. 、智慧意味着以最佳的方式追求最高的目标。 Wisdom means pursuing the highest


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