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Cause and Effect (因果关系) 学习目标: 了解因果关系的写作方法 概述: 在日常生活中,当我 需要就某一主 表 解 ,就需要用因果关系的方法来解 原因或告知 果 (好 / 坏)。 种写作方法称 因果关系 (Cause and Effect) 。因果关系写作方法也是大学英 四、六 考 写作部分的主要段落 展模式中的一种。因果关系一般分 两种:一种是 事情 生的原因,称 Cause Essay;另一种是 特定的事物 生后会 生什么 果,称 Effect Essay 。其 构是: (1) Cause Essay Cause Essay 重点 主 句和支撑句之 的关系 Cause 1 段落 Effect Cause 2 展模式 Cause 3 常用 ① One reason ?, In addition, another reason ?, Finally 接 ② First of all, Second, In addition, Finally Example 1 : 1] It is difficult for workers to find employment this years. (主 句) 2] One reason is that many industries are not hiring new workers . (支 撑句 1) 2] In addition, industries are reducing their current staff levels because of a decline in national economic conditions. (支撑句 2) 例 2] Another reason is that workers who once might have considered early retirement are now staying at their jobs . (支撑句 3) 2] Finally, other workers who once view their job as optional now must keep their positions in order to meet their minimum financial responsibilities. (支撑句 4) Example 2: 1] Bag-packing traveling is enjoying a higher and higher popularity among young people in China. (主题句) 2] First of all , for poor financial condition, young people prefer this economic traveling. (支撑句 1) 2] Second, compared with under-guide tourists in a package-tour, bag-packers enjoy more freedom in planning the whole traveling. (支撑句 2) 2] In addition , it brings more fun with chances of visiting long-desired place as long as they like and experiencing diverse folklores as many as they can . (支撑句 3) 2] Finally , it rewards them with a fit built and a persevere character. (支 撑句 4) (2) Effect Essay Effect Essay 重点 主题句和支撑句之间的关系 Effect 1 段落发 Cause Effect 2 展模式 Effect 3 常用 As a result, Next, In addition, Finally 连接词 Example 1  : 1] It is difficult for workers to find employment this years. (主题句) 2] As a result, many recent college graduates are unemployed or taking part-time jobs to meet expenses. (支撑句 1) 2] Unemployment among high school graduat



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