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>>Practice Look and write ….………………..... Name want to (be) should will Bobby Sam Willy Billy scientist policeman artist cook study hard be brave and strong read many books do more sports go to cooking school have painting lessons >>Practice Match and judge ….……………….......... Bobby wants to be a scientist. Sam wants to be a policeman. Willy wants to be a writer. Billy wants to be a cook. √ √ × × >>Practice I can say ….…….….... 我是小小演讲家 >>Summary 看图片复述课文故事 >>Homework 1.登录“优教同步学习网”,观看课文动画,按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。 2.回家向自己的家人复述Cartoon time, 并说一说自己的梦想是什么。 3.登录“优教同步学习网”,复习Unit6-Unit7。 close * (1)教师请学生看图片简单复述Story time课文故事,教师并将表现好的同学给予奖励。(2)教师播放课文动画,让学生看动画复习并巩固Story time课文内容。 * 教师请学生结合图片,简要回答以上问题。 * 教师先播放课文动画,让学生看动画预先熟知课文内容。 * * * * * * * * * 教师请学生分组复述课文故事,并挑选每组优秀学员上台给大家复述课文故事,教师和其他小组成员共同选出最佳演说家。 * * * 译林版 六年级下册 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 Cartoon time Unit8 Our dreams >>Warm-up Let’s review ……………….... >>Lead-in Look and say …………................ What does Bobby want to be? He wants to be a scientist. He should study hard. He will read many books. What does Sam want to be? He wants to be a policeman. >>Presentation Cartoon time ………………....... >>Presentation Cartoon time ………………....... Bobby wants to be a scientist. He should study hard. He will read many books. Bobby and his friends have their dreams. >>Presentation Cartoon time ………………....... He wants to help people. A policeman should be brave and strong. Sam will do more sport. Sam wants to be a policeman. >>Presentation Cartoon time ………………....... He likes painting. He often paints pictures in the park. He will have painting lessons. Willy wants to be an artist. >>Presentation Cartoon time ………………....... He likes food. He will go to cooking school. Billy wants to be a cook. >>Presentation Cartoon time ………………....... We all have a dream. What’s your dream? We all have a dream. What’s your dream? We all have a dream. What’s your dream? We all have a dream. What’s your dream? >>Practice 2 Act out the text. (表演课文) 3 Creative ac


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