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材料一 读单词 fan big sock duck desk blue table five orange tall short flower computer play smart read bookstore ship train what 读句子 1)This is my computer. 2) It ’s time for math class. 3) Is this a teacher ’s desk 4) He ’s tal l and strong . We have English , math and science on Thursdays. I like apples. They are sweet. Mary likes winter best. Wu Yifan is writing an e-mail in the study. How can I go to the cinema 10)My birthday is in June. Uncle Bill too.  ’s birthday is in June, 材料二 1、请朗读下列对话。 Sarah: I like my village. There are many rivers. The water is clean. The air is fresh. Chen: I like my village, too. There are many mountains near my village. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. I can run on the grass. Sarah: Are there any pandas in the mountains Chen: No, there aren ’t. Are there any fish in your rivers Sarah: Yes, there are. You can see many fish. 2、读单词 green favourite uncle sleep rabbit fresh dinner hand squirrel spring orange grape 材料三 请清晰、中速、大声朗读下列单词。每个单词连续读两遍。 1. took  2. bake  3. band  4. rink  5. pests 6. shrimp  7. spark  8. order  9. boasting  10. airport 请朗读下列对话。 Sarah: What a big nature park! Do you see any animals Amy: Yes! Here come two tigers. Sarah: What are they doing Amy: They’re swimming. Sarah: Can tigers really swim Amy: Yes, they can. Chen: I see some pandas. Amy: What are they doing Chen: They are climbing trees. Amy: They’re good climbers. 材料四 请清晰、中速、大声朗读下列单词。每个单词连续读两遍。 1. ball  2. milk  3. sheep  4. spring  5. clock 7. stay  8. listening  9. slippers  10. lobster 请大声并正确地读出下面的单词、短语和句子。 boy  sixteen  a long nose Come in, please. girl seventeen  Who ’s that girl my new crayons Let ’s watch TV. Who ’s that boy teacher eleven a short tail boy a long nose Come in, please. Who ’s that girl teacher eleven a short tail Have some juice, please. Do you like bananas 材料五 请大声并正确地读出下面的单词。 1 .July 2. eighth 3. have an English class 4. teacher 5. sixteen 8. grape 读句子 1. What’s your name What ’s your Engl ish name 2. How old are you


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