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1. …found Trevor sitting by himself in the smoking room drinking… 看到特里沃独自坐在吸烟室饮酒 find sb. doing sth. 发现某人正在做某事 smoking room :吸烟室   ;;3 “Finished and framed, my boy!” answered Trevor; “and, by the way, that old model you saw has become very fond of you.    by the way 顺便    you saw (定语从句,省略了 whom )    be fond of / become fond of: like sb. or sth. very much 非常喜欢某人或某物 ;;;;;;;;;;14 “Baron Hausberg!” cried Hughie. “Good heavens! I gave him a pound!” and he sank into an arm-chair the picture of dismay.    sank → sink   …he sank into an arm-chair the picture of dismay… 他跌坐进一把扶手椅,一副惊恐的模样。    the picture of dismay 在句中作主语 he 的补足语。 ;15 “Gave him a pound!” shouted Trevor and he burst into a roar of laughter. “My dear boy, you‘ll never see it again. His business is with other men’s money.”    burst into  突然出现;放声(大笑、高唱、痛哭);闯入    burst into tears 突然大哭起来;突然之间热泪盈眶    “给了他一英镑!”特里沃叫到,并放声大笑起来,“可爱的孩子,你的那一英镑是拿不回来了,他做的是别人的钱的生意。” ;16 “I think you ought to have told me, Alan,” said Hughie in a bad temper, “and not have let me make such a fool of myself.”    Ought to / Should + have done   应该做而没做…    You ought to have finished your homework. 你本应该完成作业的 。    in a bad temper: 生气地,心情不好    Lose one‘s temper 生气,发脾气    keep one‘s temper 忍住气;不发火    make a fool of oneself 因干愚蠢的事而出丑 ;17 “Well, to begin with, Hughie,” said Trevor, “It never entered my mind that you went about giving money away in that careless manner.    to begin with: first of all 首先(用来引出要讲的第一点或是最重要的一点)。    go about doing sth. 着手做某事    careless 粗心大意的 ;;;19 “Not at all. He was in the highest spirits after you left; kept laughing to himself and rubbing his old wrinkled hands together.   Laugh to oneself: 对自己笑 talk/think to oneself 自言自语 /心中想,自思自忖    本句翻译:“根本不是这样。你走之后,他的心境极佳,不断对自己大笑,一个劲地搓他那布满皱纹的双手。” ;He‘ll invest your pound for you, Hughie, pay you the interest every six months, and have a wonderful story to tell after dinner.”    invest 投资    invest in… 投资于……    He invested in trade. 他投资于贸易。    interest <n.> 兴趣,利息,利益 他会用你那一英镑去投


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