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语篇示例 : Health is very important to all, but there are many adolescents / young people who don't care about it. What health issues do you think concern adolescents most? In fact, cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking and drug taking concern adolescents most. I have never seen adolescents taking drugs, but it is easy to see some of them smoking c igarettes and drinking alcohol . Frankly speaking, my husband started smoking cigarettes before he went to college because adolescents at that time thought it cool. And you must have heard it is easy to become addicted to smoking but very hard to quit it. Fortunately, he was not so addicted to it . After we got married ,he managed to ( succeeded in ) quit / give up smoking. Because a friend of mine, who's a doctor, told him it is harder to become pregnant for smoking couples and smokers are more likely to get lung cancer . Would you like to tell me your reasons why some adolescents get into the habits of smoking? Thank you for telling me the reasons why many adolescents get into the habit of smoking. Now let's read a passage to get more information about cigarette smoking. 31 阅读后巩固环节 目标词: lung / risk / quit / manage / mentally / automatically / eventually / due to / get addicted to / get accustomed to / feel like/ pregnant/cigarette 达到目标: 在新语篇语境中体会目标词汇的用法,扩 展和加深对目标词汇的认识,建立起目标词与 其它信息的联系。 32 语篇示例:(用目标词语填空 ) ______ smoking does great damage to people's health. The WHO says diseases that are ______ smoking, such as heart disease and ______ cancer , kill at least 2,500,000 people each year. Research also indicates that women who become ______ to smoking take a ______ of failing to become ______ or having deformed ( 畸 形的 ) babies. After realizing the bad effects of smoking, many people try to give up smoking. But in fact , only a few smokers succeed in ______ it and most of them can't get rid of the habit of smoking and become ______ to making excuses. Why is it so hard to stop smokin


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