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- PAGE IV - 摘 要 在地铁交通中,最主要部分为地铁车辆,一切设施的新建和维护的服务目的是保证地铁车辆稳定安全的运营。车辆的检修业务是车辆段的一项核心任务,检修计划的制定和合理编排能保证车辆的安全运行,轨道运营效率的提升,同时也能降低轨道交通的运营成本。由于国内轨道车辆检修信息化建设起步较晚,缺乏制定车辆检修计划的相关系统和模块,因此,设计与开发相关的检修计划编制管理系统已成当务之急。 本文设计和开发了车辆段车辆检修计划编制管理系统,在Windows环境下进行设计开发,以IntelliJ IDEA作为开发平台,编程语言选取Java,利用C/S系统架构,设计了不同管理权限的用户登录模块,实现车辆检修管理员对用户的添加、删除和修改功能,开发了检修计划的编制管理模块,具有相应数据的搜索功能和导出excel表格,且能对数据进行在MySQL数据库中进行保存,方便数据的恢复和备份,根据各模块形成整体系统,完成对车辆检修计划的编制和管理。 本系统的设计和实现过程,将车辆段的检修计划制定的步骤固化在系统内,对现有资源进行了整合,实现了车辆检修计划的信息化建设,给车辆检修计划的编制提供了一个系统平台。 关键词:地铁车辆;车辆段;检修计划编制;信息化建设 Design and Implementation of Vehicle Maintenance Planning Management System for Depot Abstract In the subway transportation, the most important part is the subway vehicle. The purpose of the new construction and maintenance of all facilities is to ensure the stable and safe operation of the subway vehicle. The vehicle maintenance business is a core task of the vehicle segment. The development and rational arrangement of the maintenance plan has a profound impact on ensuring the safe operation of the vehicle, improving the operational efficiency of the track, and reducing the operating cost of the rail transit. Due to the late start of informatization construction of domestic rail vehicles, there is a lack of relevant systems and modules for the development of vehicle maintenance plans. Therefore, design and development related maintenance planning management systems have become a top priority. This paper designs and develops the vehicle maintenance planning management system for the depot. It is designed and developed in the Windows environment. The IntelliJ IDEA is used as the development platform, the programming language is selected from Java, and the C/S system architecture is used to design the user login module with different management rights. To realize the function of adding, deleting and modifying the user to the vehicle maintenance administrator, the development management module of the maintenance plan has been developed, the se


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