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由玄天zZ嗒 SHANDONG UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 毕业论文 绿色物流及其对物流企业的影响探究 学 院: 商学院 专 业: 工业工程 学生姓名: 汪新新 学 号: 1012153069 指导教师: 张丽媛 2014年6月 摘要 随着经济全球化的不断深入与发展,我国企业被迫进入了国际舞台,当然, 物流企业也不例外。高新技术的飞速发展与信息技术的广泛应用,给物流企业 带来了前所未有的挑战,特别是在美国、日木、欧洲等发达国家大力发展绿色 物流并取得一定成绩之后,我国物流企业也不得不发展绿色物流以谋求企业的 长远发展。绿色物流不仅符合可持续与生态经济的理论,而且从长远来看,它 能够节约企业资源及成本,从根本上提高企业的竞争力。 本文在介绍了绿色物流的概况之后,对绿色物流在国内外的发展进行了对 比,分析了绿色物流在我国发展缓慢的原因,并进行了五力分析与SWOT分析, 针对性的提出了在我国发展绿色物流的对策以及绿色物流对企业和经济发展带 来的积极影响。 关键词:绿色物流,五力分析法,SWOT分析法,竞争 Abstract With the development of economic globalization, Chinese enterprises are forced into the international stage, of course, logistics enterprises are no exception. The rapid development of the information technology and the wide application of high technology, bring hitherto unknown challenge to logistics enterprises. Some developed countries, such as Japan, Europe and the USA , have developed green logistics and made great achievements , so, the logistics enterprises of our country have to develop green logistics to seek long-term development of enterprises. It is not only in conformity with the sustainable development and ecological economic theory, but also save resources and costs, improve the competitiveness of enterprises in the long run. After introducing the general situation of the development of green logistics, this paper compared the development of green logistics at home and abroad , analyzed the reason for the slow development of green logistics in China, did the SWOT analysis and came up with some strategies of the development of green logistics in China .Finally ,the positive impact on logistics enterprises and development of economic were list in detail. Key words : Green logistics, Five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, Competitive strength 目录 摘要 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z \o Current Document Abstract II \o Current Document 目录 Ill \o Current Document 第一章引言 -1 1.1选题背景与意义 \o Current Document 1.2文献综述 -1 \o Current Document 1.3课题研究思路与内容框架 -4 \o Current Document 第二章绿色物流概述 -5 \o


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