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英语学科教师教案 辅导科目:英语 学员姓名: 年 级: 学管老师 : 学科教师: 课时数: 3K 第____次课 课 题 An Amateur Journalist 业余记者 课 型 □ 预习课 □ 同步课 □ 复习课 □ 习题课 □ 拓展课 授课日期及时段 教 学 目 的 掌握本次课单词,句型及语法点 重 难 点 辨析 revolve, involve, evolve 教 学 内 容 一.复习上次课 二.新课导入 1.课文内容 Jane is ahousewife, but delighted to work as an amateur journalist. It is a dilemma for her to rush between family and work, and it is also unusual for the News Department to depend on an amateur to cover crimes. But Jane is really gifted. It is admirable that she is seldom accused of making mistakes. And, eager to become more professional, she concentrates on her job and updates herself now and then. Once she is informed of a new case, her normal working processis as follows: first, she makes appointments with guilty people for interviews. So as to acquire accuratestories, she usuallydemands to record what they say.Meanwhile, a technically good colleaguewill assisther in taking photographs. Second, sheassesses whether they aredeliberately hiding the truth. If she is skeptical about their words, she will look into the case herself. Third, she writes thorough stories ahead of thedeadline and submits it to the senior chief editor, who polishes and approves every section. Finally, her stories will be published in different editions of their magazine. 知识点详解 (1) involve [in'v ?lv] vt. 牵涉,牵连,使卷入;使陷入 ( 麻烦、困境等 ) : to be involved in a scandal 卷入丑闻 to be involved in the trouble 陷入麻烦 The case involved many innocent people. 这一案件牵涉了许多无辜的人。 使参与;使参加: to involve employees in the management 使职员参与管理 包含,含有,包括: This project involves much difficulty. 这一项目有许多困难 辨析 revolve, involve, evolve revolve v. 旋转,转动。 The room began to revolve , then he fainted. 屋子开始旋转,然后他就昏倒了。 第 1 页 involve v. 需要,包含;使卷入, 涉。 Getting a driver's licence involves learning how to drive, studyingthe rules of theroad, and taking a test. 要得到 照需要学 开 ,学 交通 , 要 考 。 evolve v. 展,演 。 Agriculture evolved slowly over thousands of years. 几千年来, 展得很 慢。 involve in 参与;涉及;卷入,陷入 (2) delight [di'lait] n. 愉快,快 ,



