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张艺文:海运集装箱空箱调运优化研究 PAGE 30 PAGE 30 PAGE PAGE 29 摘 要 随着世界经济的快速发展和国际贸易的不断增长,集装箱运输走上了国际贸易的舞台,成为其不可或缺的一部分,随之迅速成长壮大起来。可是由于世界上各国家及地区经济发展的不平衡、文化的差异等导致全球货物流向失衡,使集装箱需求量和供给量在地理位置上出现了很大差异和不均衡,集装箱空箱调运量占据了每年全球集装箱总运量的五分之一,形成了集装箱空箱调运的需求。优化集装箱空箱调运是一个亟待解决的重要问题。在国际贸易,集装箱运输的地位至关重要。 本文着重论述了海运集装箱空箱调运的操作要领及管理方法,从产生要素开始系统分析和研究了当今世界海运集装箱空箱调运的发展及研究现状,发现了船公司在运营过程中的一些问题。本文的本文的研究重点就是通过建立集装箱空箱调运成本最低的模型来分析集装箱运营的效率从而降低空集装箱运输的数量和租赁集装箱所产生的成本,并编写LINGO语句,运用LINGO 10.0进行计算。为班轮公司提供了更好的集装箱管理方案,也为集装箱空运工作提供了相应的理论依据。 关键词:集装箱,空箱调运,成本 Abstract With the rapid development of the world economy and the continuous growth of international trade, container transportation has become an indispensable part of international trade and has grown rapidly. However, due to the imbalance of economic development and cultural differences in various countries and regions in the world, the global cargo flow imbalance is unbalanced, resulting in a large difference and imbalance in the geographical demand and supply of container containers. One-fifth of the world's total container traffic per year, which has created the need for container empty container transportation. Optimizing the empty container transportation is an important issue to be solved urgently. Container transportation plays an important role in international trade. This paper focuses on the operation essentials and management methods of empty container transportation of marine containers. From the factors of production, the system analyzes and studies the development and research status of the world's shipping container empty container transportation, and finds some problems in the operation process of the shipping company. The focus of this paper is to analyze the efficiency of container operations by establishing the model of the lowest container empty container transportation cost, thereby reducing the number of empty container transportation and the cost of renting containers, and writing the LINGO statement and using LINGO 10 for calculation. I


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