2021英语人教版选择性必修第四册课件:Unit 2 Section D .pptx

2021英语人教版选择性必修第四册课件:Unit 2 Section D .pptx

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Section D Using Language (Ⅱ) Assessing Your ProgressⅠⅡⅢⅠ.知识体系图解 重点词汇 育儿袋;小袋子;荷包 树干  一场;一段时间;会议 巢穴;鸟窝;秘密窝点  哺乳动物 栅栏;围栏 1.pouch n. ?2.trunk n. ?3.session n. ?4.nest n.  ?5.mammal n. ?6.fence n. ?7. adj.暂时的;短暂的?8. n.阶段;时期?temporary phase ⅠⅡⅢlicense licensed frequency violent violence biology hatch capacity prisongrand 9. vt.批准;许可 n.许可证;执照→ adj.得到正式许可的?10.  n.发生率;重复率;(声波或电磁波振动的)频率?11. adj.暴力的;猛烈的→  n.暴力;暴行?12. n.生理;生物学?13. vi.孵出;破壳 vt.使孵出;策划;(尤指)密谋?14. n.能力;容量?15. n.监狱;监禁?16. adj.大;宏大的?ⅠⅡⅢ重点短语at birth find one’s way to stay safe make laws in the interest of 1.  在出生时?2.    设法到达?3.  保证安全?4.  制定法律?5.    为了……的利益?6.pick up  ?7.come across  ?8.lay eggs  ?9.the sense of sight  ?10.a handful of  ?捡起;拾起 偶然遇到 产卵 视觉 少数人(或物);一把(的量)ⅠⅡⅢⅡ.释义匹配1.temporary  A.the thick central woody stem of a tree2.trunk B.continuing for only a limited period of time3.license C.the amount of space a container,room etc has to hold things or people4.capacity D.to (cause an egg to) break in order to allow a young animal to come out5.hatch E.an official document which gives you permission to own,do or use something答案1.B 2.A 3.E 4.C 5.DⅠⅡⅢⅢ.根据P19-21课文内容,选择正确答案1.What is special about the kangaroo?A.It has a wide distribution in Australia.B.It can survive in a difficult environment.C.The baby kangaroo can learn to jump.D.It can’t walk backwards.答案D ⅠⅡⅢ2.What do we know about the Tasmanian devils?A.They look very cute.B.It is against the law to touch them.C.They make loud noises when fighting or eating.D.They often attack people near them.3.Which of the animals can seldom be seen in the daytime?A.The Koala.B.The kangaroo.C.The Tasmanian devil.D.The duck-billed platypus.答案C 答案C ⅠⅡⅢ4.How do duck-billed platypuses find food?A.By using their sense of sight.B.By using their sense of smell.C.By using their sense of touch.D.By using electrical sensors.答案D 重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习1.If you want to hold a koala



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