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2020 考研英语作文预测 - 改革开放 【图表作文】改革开放 40 年,中国进出口额 ① The line chart above illustrates the growth of Chinese import and export trade since 1978 to 2015. ②To be specific, the amount of these two trade increased steadily from almost 1 billion dollars in 1978 to 300 billion dollars in 2000, after which they rose significant to above 2000 billion dollars in 2015. ③When taking a closer look, we can find that the growth rate of export is faster than that of import. ④Undoubtedly, the purpose of the chart is to show us the tremendous increase of Chinese economy, which attributes to the Opening Reform Policy of China to some extent. ⑤ Why, does this phenomenon emerge in China ? ⑥ First and foremost, current enforcement of laws and regulations about development of society and economy might be effective and efficient. Plus, pertinent actions relating to import and export taken by the public might not be little and limit. Last but not least, coverage of mass media concerning domestic products and foreign goods, such as radio, television and internet, might not be partial and prejudiced.⑦Therefore, the trend of the increase mentioned above tends to be an increasingly exciting issue. ⑧ In a word, this chart is a perfect index of China ding economy which’s fast expan has attracted returnees and foreign investment in recent decade. ⑨ Meanwhile, it is reasonable for us to believe that the boom of Chinese domestic trade will definitely contribute to our nation development.’s


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